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There are 17 six-letter words ending with HAS

ALOHASalohas n. Plural of aloha.
ALOHA n. (Hawaiian) a greeting or farewell.
ALPHASalphas n. Plural of alpha.
ALPHA n. (Greek) a Greek letter.
AROHASAROHA n. (Maori) love, compassion.
BACHASbachas n. Plural of bacha.
Bachas prop.n. Plural of Bacha.
BACHA n. (Hinglish) in India, a young child, also BACHCHA.
BIGHASbighas n. Plural of bigha.
BIGHA n. (Hindi) an Indian land measure, also BEEGAH.
DACHASdachas n. Plural of dacha.
DACHA n. (Russian) a Russian country house, also DATCHA.
DOSHASdoshas n. Plural of dosha.
DOSHA n. (Sanskrit) each of three energies believed in Ayurveda to circulate in the body.
KASHASkashas n. Plural of kasha.
KASHA n. (Russian) a porridge or gruel-like dish made from crushed buckwheat.
MOCHASmochas n. Plural of mocha.
MOCHA n. a choice, pungent coffee.
MUTHASmuthas n. Plural of mutha.
MUTHA n. (vulgar slang) an obnoxious person.
NACHASnachas n. (In Jewish culture) pleasure; delight.
NACHAS n. (Yiddish) pride in another's accomplishments.
PACHASpachas n. Plural of pacha.
PACHA n. (Turkish) a former Turkish high official, also PASHA.
PASHASpashas n. Plural of pasha.
Pashas prop.n. Plural of Pasha.
PASHA n. (Turkish) a former Turkish high official, also PACHA.
RATHASRATHA n. (Hindi) a four-wheeled carriage drawn by horses or bullocks.
SABHASsabhas n. Plural of sabha.
SABHA n. (Arabic) a set of beads used by Muslims during prayer, also SUBHA.
SIDHASsidhas n. Plural of sidha.
SIDHA n. (Sanskrit) one who has attained occult powers or siddhi, also SIDDHA.
SUBHASSUBHA n. (Arabic) a string of beads used by Muslims in meditation and prayer, also SABHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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