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There are 13 words ending with GINATE

ALGINATEalginate n. (Biochemistry) Any salt or ester of alginic acid.
ALGINATE n. a salt of alginic acid.
PAGINATEpaginate v. (Transitive) To number the pages of (a book or other document); to foliate.
paginate v. (Transitive, computing) To separate (data) into batches, so that it can be retrieved with a number of…
PAGINATE v. to mark with consecutive numbers.
SAGINATEsaginate v. (Archaic) to fatten.
SAGINATE v. to fatten animals.
VAGINATEvaginate adj. Vaginated.
vaginate v. (Transitive) To ensheathe; to enclose in a sheath.
VAGINATE adj. invested with, or as if with, a sheath, also VAGINATED.
EVAGINATEevaginate v. (Intransitive) To evert a bodily organ inside surface to outside.
evaginate v. (Transitive) To cause (a bodily organ or part) to turn inside out.
evaginate adj. Protruded, or grown out, as an evagination; turned inside out; unsheathed; evaginated.
MARGINATEmarginate adj. (Mycology, biology) With a well marked edge or margin.
marginate v. To provide with margins.
MARGINATE v. to provide with a margin or border.
ORIGINATEoriginate v. (Transitive) To cause (someone or something) to be; to bring (someone or something) into existence;…
originate v. (Intransitive) To come into existence; to have origin or beginning; to spring, be derived (from, with).
ORIGINATE v. to have an origin.
EMARGINATEemarginate adj. (Botany, of leaves) With the outline of the margin more or less concave in places, usually at the apex.
emarginate adj. (Botany, mycology) Having roughly the same height or width for most of its length, becoming much shallower…
emarginate adj. (Zoology, anatomy) Having a margin that has concave edges as though with parts removed or notched.
INVAGINATEinvaginate adj. (Biology) sheathed.
invaginate adj. (Biology) Having one portion of a hollow organ drawn back within another portion.
invaginate v. (Medicine, surgery) To fold up or enclose into a sheath-like or pouch-like structure, either naturally…
REPAGINATErepaginate v. To paginate again or in a different way.
REPAGINATE v. to paginate again.
COMPAGINATEcompaginate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To unite or hold together.
COMPAGINATE v. to join; to connect.
IMMARGINATEimmarginate adj. (Botany) Not having a distinctive margin or border.
IMMARGINATE adj. without a distinct margin.
UNORIGINATEunoriginate adj. (Theology) Without origin.
UNORIGINATE adj. not originated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 28 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 36 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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