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List of 14-letter words ending with

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words ending with GRAPHY

ANTHROPOGRAPHYanthropography n. The branch of anthropology that deals with the geographical distribution of the human race in its different…
ANTHROPOGRAPHY n. the study of the geographical distribution of human races.
AUTOTYPOGRAPHYautotypography n. (Archaic) A process by which drawings executed on gelatin are impressed into a soft metal plate, from…
AUTOTYPOGRAPHY n. a process by which drawings made on gelatine are transferred to a plate from which impressions may be taken.
CHROMATOGRAPHYchromatography n. (Analytical chemistry) Any of various techniques for the qualitative or quantitative separation of the…
CHROMATOGRAPHY n. a process in which a chemical mixture carried by a liquid or gas is separated into components as a result of differential distribution of the solutes as they flow around or over a stationary liquid or solid phase.
CINEMATOGRAPHYcinematography n. The art, process, or job of filming movies.
cinematography n. Motion picture photography.
CINEMATOGRAPHY n. the art or science of motion-picture photography.
DACTYLIOGRAPHYdactyliography n. The art of writing or engraving upon gems.
DACTYLIOGRAPHY n. the study of gem engraving.
ENIGMATOGRAPHYenigmatography n. The art of making or solving puzzles.
ENIGMATOGRAPHY n. the composition of enigmas.
EPISTOLOGRAPHYepistolography n. The art or practice of writing epistles.
EPISTOLOGRAPHY n. letter-writing.
HISTORIOGRAPHYhistoriography n. (Countable and uncountable) The writing of history; a written history.
historiography n. (Uncountable) The study of the discipline and practice of history and the writings of past historians.
HISTORIOGRAPHY n. the study of writing history.
KINEMATOGRAPHYkinematography n. Cinematography.
KINEMATOGRAPHY n. the art of the kinematograph.
PALEOGEOGRAPHYpaleogeography n. Alternative spelling of palaeogeography.
PALEOGEOGRAPHY n. the geography of ancient times or of a particular past geological epoch.
PHYTOGEOGRAPHYphytogeography n. (Biology) The science that studies the geographical distribution of plants; geobotany.
PHYTOGEOGRAPHY n. the geography of plant distribution.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHYpseudepigraphy n. The composition of pseudepigrapha, false credit of authorship to give ideas greater legitimacy.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHY n. the ascription of false names of authors to works.
REFLECTOGRAPHYreflectography n. An infrared technique used by art historians to detect layers beneath the top surface of a painting…
REFLECTOGRAPHY n. a technique used to detect underdrawing, etc. in a painting, in which infrared light is bounced off the lowest, gessoed layer and the resulting image viewed on a TV monitor.
THALASSOGRAPHYthalassography n. The scientific study of marine life.
THALASSOGRAPHY n. the science of the sea.
THAUMATOGRAPHYthaumatography n. A description of natural wonders.
THAUMATOGRAPHY n. the description of natural wonders.
XYLOPYROGRAPHYxylopyrography n. (Art) The art of burning pictures onto wood.
XYLOPYROGRAPHY n. engraving designs on wood with hot poker.
XYLOTYPOGRAPHYxylotypography n. Printing using the medium of wooden blocks.
XYLOTYPOGRAPHY n. printing from wooden type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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