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There are 15 words ending with GONIC

AGONICagonic adj. (Geometry) Lacking an angle.
agonic adj. (Cartography, navigation) Having a magnetic deviation of zero.
agonic adj. Synonym of agonal.
EPIGONICepigonic adj. Being or relating to an epigone or disciple; imitative.
EPIGONIC adj. of or like an epigon, an inferior imitator of a creative thinker or artist.
GEOGONICgeogonic adj. Of or relating to geogony, or to the formation of the Earth.
GEOGONIC adj. relating to geogony, the study of formation of the earth.
ISOGONICisogonic adj. (Cartography, navigation) Describing imaginary lines connecting points on the Earth’s surface of identical…
isogonic adj. (Geometry) Having equal angles.
isogonic adj. (Zoology) Exhibiting, or relating to, isogonism.
TRIGONICtrigonic adj. (Rare) Relating to a trigon or triangle.
TRIGONIC adj. pertaining to or having three angles, also TRIGONAL.
EXERGONICexergonic adj. (Chemistry, of a reaction) Releasing energy (especially as heat).
EXERGONIC adj. of a biochemical reaction, accompanied by the release of energy and therefore capable of proceeding spontaneously.
TELEGONICtelegonic adj. Synonym of telegonous.
TELEGONIC adj. relating to telegony, the (imaginary) transmitted influence of a previous mate on the offspring of current one.
THEOGONICtheogonic adj. Of or relating to theogony.
THEOGONIC adj. accounting for the origin or presence of gods, also THEOGONICAL.
COSMOGONICcosmogonic adj. Of or pertaining to cosmogony.
COSMOGONIC adj. relating to cosmogony, also COSMOGONAL, COSMOGONICAL.
ENDERGONICendergonic adj. (Chemistry) Describing a reaction that absorbs (heat) energy from its environment.
ENDERGONIC adj. requiring energy.
PELARGONICpelargonic adj. Of or pertaining to plants of the genus Pelargonium.
pelargonic adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to pelargonic acid or its derivatives.
PELARGONIC adj. as in pelargonic acid, an oily fatty acid, obtained esp. from the leaves of plants of the Pelargonium genus (also called nonanoic acid).
SPOROGONICsporogonic adj. Relating to, or possessing sporogonia.
SPOROGONIC adj. relating to a sporogonium, an organ that produces asexual spores in mosses.
GLOTTOGONICglottogonic adj. Related to the origin or primordial development of language; related to glottogony.
GLOTTOGONIC adj. relating to the origins of language.
HETEROGONICheterogonic adj. (Botany) Characterized by heterogony.
heterogonic adj. (Biology) Describing a parasite whose life cycle is alternated with that of free-living generation.
HETEROGONIC adj. relating to heterogony.
SCHIZOGONICschizogonic adj. Relating to schizogony.
SCHIZOGONIC adj. relating to schizogony.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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