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There are 8 words ending with GANG

GANGgang v. (Intransitive, Northern England, Scotland) To go; walk; proceed.
gang n. A number going in company; a number of friends or persons associated for a particular purpose.
gang n. A group of laborers under one foreman; a squad.
OXGANGoxgang n. (Historical) The area of land that could be plowed by an ox in a year, 18 hide or carucate and notionally…
oxgang n. (Historical, Scotland) The similar Scottish concept, 18 of a ploughgate and notionally 12+12 or 13…
OXGANG n. as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGATE, OXLAND.
UPGANGupgang n. (UK dialectal) The act of ascending a slope; ascent.
upgang n. (UK dialectal) A way up; a slope.
upgang n. (UK dialectal) A sudden rising of wind and sea; a storm.
SIRGANGsirgang n. (India, obsolete) The Asiatic green jackdaw.
SIRGANG n. a green Asiatic jay-like bird.
ANTIGANGantigang adj. (Law enforcement) Intended to combat or reduce the activity of criminal gangs.
ANTIGANG adj. opposed to gangs.
OVERGANGovergang v. (Transitive, dialectal or obsolete) To go beyond or above; to exceed.
overgang n. (Dialectal or obsolete) Something that goes across or over; a transition.
OVERGANG v. (Scots) to dominate; to overspread.
INTERGANGintergang adj. Between gangs.
INTERGANG adj. between gangs.
PRESSGANGpressgang n. Alternative spelling of press-gang.
pressgang v. Alternative spelling of press-gang.
press-gang n. A body of men employed to force others into military or naval service.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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