ANTIGENE | • antigene n. (Genetics) An oligonucleotide that attaches to a specific gene and suppresses its action. • ANTIGENE n. a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies, also ANTIGEN. |
CYMOGENE | • cymogene n. (Chemistry) A highly volatile liquid, condensed by cold and pressure from the first products of the… • CYMOGENE n. a volatile compound. |
ECTOGENE | • ECTOGENE n. a gene involved in the development of an embryo in artificial conditions. |
GASOGENE | • gasogene n. (Historical) A type of Victorian seltzer bottle, consisting of two mesh-encased glass globes arranged… • GASOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GAZOGENE. |
GAZOGENE | • gazogene n. Alternative form of gasogene. • GAZOGENE n. an apparatus for carbonating liquids, also GASOGENE. |
HYPOGENE | • hypogene adj. (Geology) Formed underground, often by ascending solutions. • HYPOGENE adj. formed or occurring beneath the surface of the earth, as opposed to epigene, also HYPOGENIC. |
INDIGENE | • indigene adj. (Obsolete) Indigenous. • indigene n. An indigenous person; a native. • INDIGENE n. one born in a country; an aboriginal animal or plant, also INDIGEN. |
ONCOGENE | • oncogene n. (Oncology, genetics) Any gene that contributes to the conversion of a normal cell into a cancerous cell… • ONCOGENE n. a gene that causes a cell to become cancerous. |
PHOSGENE | • phosgene n. (Inorganic chemistry) carbonyl chloride. • PHOSGENE n. a colorless poison gas made from chlorine and carbon monoxide. |
POLYGENE | • polygene n. (Genetics) A group of nonallelic genes that act together to produce phenotype variations. • POLYGENE n. a set of cooperating genes, each producing a small effect. |
VIROGENE | • virogene n. A gene involved in the development of a virus. • VIROGENE n. a virus-forming gene. |
ZYMOGENE | • zymogene n. (Biology) One of a physiological group of globular bacteria that produce fermentations of diverse nature;… • ZYMOGENE n. a substance that develops into an enzyme, also ZYMOGEN. |