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There are 11 words ending with GRE

AYGREAYGRE adj. (Shakespeare) eager.
CANAIGREcanaigre n. (US) Rumex hymenosepalus, a species of dock native to southwestern North America with edible red stems…
canaigre n. (US) Tannin-containing matter obtained from the taproots of the plant.
cañaigre n. Alternative form of canaigre.
CHIGREchigre n. Dated form of chigoe.
CHIGRE n. a small tropical flea, also CHEGOE, CHIGGER, CHIGOE.
EAGREeagre adj. Obsolete form of eager.
eagre n. A tidal bore.
EAGRE n. a bore or sudden rise of the tide, also EAGER, EGER.
EMIGREemigre n. One who has departed their native land, often as a refugee.
emigre n. An emigrant, one who departs their native land to become an immigrant in another.
emigré n. Alternative form of emigre.
MAIGREmaigre adj. (Cooking) Made without meat (and thus permitted to be eaten on a fast day).
maigre adj. Belonging to a fast day or fast.
maigre n. A kind of fish; the meagre.
MALGREmalgre prep. Alternative spelling of maugre.
MALGRE v. (archaic) to show spite towards, also MALGRADO, MAUGER, MAUGRE, MAULGRE.
MAUGREmaugre prep. (Obsolete) Notwithstanding; in spite of.
maugre adv. (Obsolete) Notwithstanding, despite everything.
maugre n. (Obsolete) Ill will; spite.
MAULGREmaulgre prep. Alternative spelling of maugre.
MAULGRE v. to show spite towards, also MALGRE, MAUGRE.
MEAGREmeagre n. Argyrosomus regius, an edible fish of the family Sciaenidae.
meagre adj. Having little flesh; lean; thin.
meagre adj. Deficient or inferior in amount, quality or extent.
OGREogre n. (Mythology) A type of brutish giant from folk tales that eats human flesh.
ogre n. (Figuratively) A brutish man reminiscent of the mythical ogre.
Ogre prop.n. A town in central Latvia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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