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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 15 eight-letter words ending with GAL

APOLOGALapologal adj. (Literature) Relating to an apologue.
APOLOGAL adj. relating to an apolog, a beast fable, a moral tale.
ASTRAGALastragal n. (Anatomy) Synonym of astragalus: the bone forming the ball of the ankle joint.
astragal n. A die, especially a four-sided die historically made from or in imitation of an ankle bone.
astragal n. (Architecture) A semicircular molding separating the architrave at the top or bottom of a column.
CONJUGALconjugal adj. Of or relating to marriage, or the relationship of spouses; connubial.
CONJUGAL adj. pertaining to marriage.
GALANGALgalangal n. Any of several east Asian plants of genera Alpinia and Kaempferia in the ginger family, used as a spice…
GALANGAL n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGA, GALENGALE, GALINGALE.
INFRUGALinfrugal adj. Not frugal; wasteful.
INFRUGAL adj. prodigal.
LARYNGALlaryngal adj. Alternative form of laryngeal.
laryngal n. Alternative form of laryngeal.
LARYNGAL adj. relating to the larynx.
MADRIGALmadrigal n. (Music) A song for a small number of unaccompanied voices; from 13th century Italy.
madrigal n. (Music) A polyphonic song for about six voices, from 16th century Italy.
madrigal n. (Poetry) A short poem, often pastoral, and suitable to be set to music.
MILLIGALmilligal n. One thousandth of a gal (galileo; unit of acceleration).
MILLIGAL n. a thousandth of a gallon.
NONLEGALnonlegal adj. Not law-related; not related to the practice of law.
NONLEGAL adj. not legal.
PRELEGALprelegal adj. In preparation for study at a law school; prelaw.
PRELEGAL adj. occurring before the commencement of studies in law.
PRODIGALprodigal adj. Wastefully extravagant.
prodigal adj. (Often followed by of or with) Yielding profusely, lavish.
prodigal adj. Profuse, lavishly abundant.
SPRINGALspringal n. (Archaic) Alternative form of springald (“a youth”).
springal n. Obsolete form of springald (“military engine for launching stones and arrows”).
SPRINGAL n. (archaic) an active young man; a youth, also SPRINGALD.
UNIALGALunialgal adj. Containing only a single type of alga.
UNIALGAL adj. pertaining to a single algal cell.
WARRAGALwarragal n. Alternative form of warrigal.
WARRAGAL n. (Native Australian) the Australian wild dog, the dingo, also WARRAGLE, WARRAGUL, WARRIGAL.
WARRIGALwarrigal n. A wild dingo.
warrigal n. A wild horse.
WARRIGAL n. (Native Australian) the Australian wild dog, the dingo, also WARRAGAL, WARRAGLE, WARRAGUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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