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There are 9 six-letter words ending with GAL

FRUGALfrugal adj. Avoiding unnecessary expenditure either of money or of anything else which is to be used or consumed; avoiding waste.
FRUGAL adj. characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources.
FUNGALfungal adj. Of or pertaining to a fungus or fungi.
FUNGAL adj. relating to fungi e.g. a fungal infection.
FUNGAL n. a fungus.
GINGALgingal n. Alternative form of jingal.
GINGAL n. (Hindi) a large Chinese or Indian swivel-musket, also GINGALL, JINGAL, JINGALL.
JINGALjingal n. (India) A type of gun, usually a light piece mounted on a swivel, sometimes taking the form of a heavy…
JINGAL n. (Hindi) a large Chinese or Indian swivel-musket, also GINGAL, GINGALL, JINGALL.
MANGALmangal n. A mangrove swamp or ecosystem.
mangal n. A Middle Eastern-style barbecue (cookout), or the barbecue (grill; cooking apparatus) it is cooked on.
Mangal prop.n. A surname.
PLAGALplagal adj. (Music) Designating a mode lying a perfect fourth below the authentic form.
plagal adj. (Music) Designating a cadence in which the subdominant chord precedes the tonic.
PLAGAL adj. designating a medieval musical mode.
PONGALpongal n. A sweet or savoury Indian rice dish.
Pongal prop.n. A Hindu harvest festival of South India, particularly in the Tamil community, observed at the start…
PONGAL n. a dish of cooked rice in Tamil-speaking India.
TERGALtergal adj. Of or pertaining to the tergum; dorsal.
TERGAL adj. relating to the tergum, an insect's upper or dorsal surface, esp. of a body segment.
TRAGALtragal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the tragus.
TRAGAL adj. relating to the tragus, the little flap of cartilage that projects over the hole in one's ear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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