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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 12 five-letter words ending with GOS

BIGOSbigos n. A traditional Polish stew containing cabbage and meat.
big␣Os n. Plural of big O.
BIGOS n. a kind of Polish stew.
ERGOSergos n. Plural of ergo.
ERGO n. (short for) ergometer.
FIGOSfigos n. Plural of figo.
FIGO n. (Shakespeare) a fig, a gesture of contempt, also FICO.
GOGOSgogos n. Plural of gogo.
GOGO n. (Zulu) a grandmother.
KAGOSkagos n. Plural of kago.
KAGO n. (Japanese) a basketwork passenger litter.
LOGOSlogos n. (Rhetoric) A form of rhetoric in which the writer or speaker uses logic as the main argument.
logos n. Alternative letter-case form of Logos.
logos n. Plural of logo.
POGOSpogos n. Plural of pogo.
POGO v. (tradename) to jump up and down on the spot to music.
REGOSregos n. Plural of rego.
Regos prop.n. Plural of Rego.
REGO n. (Australian slang) a (motor vehicle) registration, also REGGO.
SAGOSsagos n. Plural of sago.
Sagos prop.n. Plural of Sago.
SAGO n. (Malay) a type of palm tree; a nutritive cereal derived from its pith.
SEGOSsegos n. Plural of sego.
Segos prop.n. Plural of Sego.
SEGO n. (Native American) a liliaceous plant of Western North America, and its edible bulb.
SUGOSSUGO n. (Italian) an Italian meat sauce.
VEGOSvegos n. Plural of vego.
VEGO n. (Australian slang) a vegetarian, also VEGGIE, VEGIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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