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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 11 five-letter words ending with GAL

ALGALalgal adj. Pertaining to, or like, algae.
algal n. An alga.
ALGAL adj. of or like alga, any member of the algae, seaweeds.
ARGALargal adv. Thus, therefore.
argal n. Crude tartar.
argal n. An argali (kind of sheep).
FUGALfugal adj. (Music, psychiatry) relating to a fugue.
fugal adj. Relating to flight (fleeing).
-fugal suff. Travelling out from.
JUGALjugal adj. (Obsolete) Relating to a yoke or marriage.
jugal adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the jugal bone.
jugal n. (Anatomy) A bone found in the skull of most reptiles, amphibians and birds; the equivalent of a malar in mammals.
KOGALkogal n. (Uncountable) A subculture of conspicuous consumption among young women in urban Japan, typified by…
kogal n. (Countable) A member of this subculture.
KOGAL n. (Japanese) a teenage girl or young woman noted for her busy social life and her purchase of expensive designer clothes and accessories and the latest electronic gadgets.
LEGALlegal adj. Relating to the law or to lawyers.
legal adj. Having its basis in the law.
legal adj. Being allowed or prescribed by law.
PYGALpygal adj. (Anatomy) Situated in the region of the rump, or posterior end of the backbone; applied especially to…
pygal n. (Anatomy) The posterior median or supracaudal plate of a chelonian carapace.
PYGAL n. the posterior median plate of a chelonian carapace.
REGALregal adj. Of or relating to royalty.
regal adj. Befitting a king, queen, emperor, or empress.
regal adj. Befitting a king, or emperor.
RUGALrugal adj. Folded.
RUGAL adj. wrinkled.
VAGALvagal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the vagus nerve.
VAGAL adj. pertaining to the vagus nerve.
ZYGALzygal adj. Shaped like a yoke, or like the letter H.
ZYGAL adj. formed like the letter H; of or relating to a yoke or union.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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