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There are 17 six-letter words ending with GA

AVRUGAAVRUGA n. (Spanish) herring roe with a smoky flavour, sometimes used as a substitute for caviar.
BELUGAbeluga n. A cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas, found in the Arctic Ocean.
beluga n. A fish found in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea (Huso huso), that is a source of caviar.
Beluga n. Alternative spelling of beluga.
BODEGAbodega n. A storehouse for maturing wine, a winery.
bodega n. A store specializing in Hispanic groceries.
bodega n. (Slang, New York City) Any convenience store.
BROLGAbrolga n. A large grey crane (Antigone rubicunda, syn. Grus rubicunda), of northern and eastern Australia.
BROLGA n. (Native Australian) a large grey Australian crane.
CADAGACADAGA n. an Australian eucalyptus with smooth green bark, also CADAGI.
CHANGACHANGA interj. (Hinglish) an expression of approval or agreement.
CHIGGAchigga n. (Slang) A man of Asian ethnicity who is heavily influenced by hip-hop culture.
CHIGGA n. (offensive Australian slang) a derogatory term for a young working-class person from Hobart, Tasmania.
FANEGAfanega n. (Historical) A traditional Spanish unit of dry measure, chiefly used for grain and roughly equivalent to a bushel.
fanega n. (Historical) A traditional Spanish unit of area, vaguely reckoned as the amount of farmland able to…
fanega n. (Historical) A traditional Spanish unit of area, formalized as equivalent to about 6440 m².
INANGAinanga n. (New Zealand) A fish, the jollytail (Galaxias maculatus).
INANGA n. (Maori) the New Zealand whitebait.
KAINGAkainga n. A Maori village.
KAINGA n. (Maori) a Maori village.
KHANGAkhanga n. Alternative form of kanga (African garment).
Khanga prop.n. A surname.
KHANGA n. (Swahili) a piece of cotton cloth wound round the body as a dress, also KANGA.
MGANGAmganga n. An African medicine man.
MGANGA n. (Bantu) in Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, an indigenous African doctor, a witch-doctor.
QUAGGAquagga n. A southern-African subspecies of plains zebra, Equus quagga quagga, which went extinct in 1883. The…
QUAGGA n. (Hottentot) an extinct South African wild ass.
SENEGAsenega n. (Medicine) Seneca root.
SENEGA n. a North American milkwort, or its root, used medicinally, also SENECA.
STRIGAstriga n. (Botany) A sharp bristle or hair-like scale.
striga n. A stripe or stria.
striga n. (Architecture) The flute of a column.
TAONGAtaonga n. (New Zealand) In Maori culture, any treasured thing, whether tangible or intangible.
TAONGA n. (Maori) treasure, something highly prized.
TELEGAtelega n. A simple four-wheeled Russian cart without springs.
TELEGA n. (Russian) a four-wheeled springless wagon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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