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There are 16 words ending with GENETICALLY

ABIOGENETICALLYabiogenetically adv. (Biology) In an abiogenetic manner; to have created life without life.
ABIOGENETIC adv. relating to abiogenesis, the origination of life by nonliving matter, also ABIOGENIC.
BIOGENETICALLYbiogenetically adv. In a biogenetic manner.
BIOGENETICAL adv. pertaining to biogenesis, the theory that all life is derived from living matter alone, also BIOGENETIC.
CYTOGENETICALLYcytogenetically adv. (Medicine, biology) By means or in terms of cytogenetics, the genetics of the cell.
CYTOGENETICAL adv. relating to cytogenetics, also CYTOGENETIC.
DIAGENETICALLYdiagenetically adv. In a diagenetic manner.
diagenetically adv. With regard to diagenesis.
DIAGENETIC adv. pertaining to changes, such as recrystallization and replacement, that take place in sediments after their deposition.
EPIGENETICALLYepigenetically adv. By means of, or in terms of, epigenesis or epigenetics.
EPIGENETIC adv. resulting from external features, not genetic.
GAMOGENETICALLYgamogenetically adv. By gamogenesis.
GAMOGENETICAL adv. relating to gamogenesis, sexual reproduction, also GAMOGENETIC.
GENETICALLYgenetically adv. In terms of origin or development.
genetically adv. In a manner relating to genes or genetics.
genetically adv. (Linguistics) By being members of the same linguistic family.
KENOGENETICALLYKENOGENETIC adv. related to kenogenesis.
METAGENETICALLYmetagenetically adv. In a metagenetic manner.
METAGENETIC adv. relating to metagenesis.
NONGENETICALLYnongenetically adv. In a nongenetic manner.
ONTOGENETICALLYontogenetically adv. Synonym of ontogenically.
ONTOGENETIC adv. relating to ontogenesis, also ONTOGENIC.
OROGENETICALLYOROGENETIC adv. relating to orogenesis, mountain-building.
PANGENETICALLYPANGENETIC adv. of or pertaining to pangenesis.
PARAGENETICALLYparagenetically adv. In terms of paragenesis.
PARAGENETIC adv. relating to paragenesis.
POLYGENETICALLYpolygenetically adv. In a polygenetic manner.
POLYGENETIC adv. of polygenesis; springing from several sources.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
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