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There are 18 words ending with FAS

ALFALFASalfalfas n. Plural of alfalfa.
ALFALFA n. (Arabic) the fodder plant lucerne.
ALFASalfas n. Plural of alfa.
Alfas n. Plural of Alfa.
ALFA n. (Arabic) a North African esparto grass, also HALFA.
ANTIFASantifas n. Plural of antifa.
ANTIFA n. an antifascist organization; a member of an antifascist organization.
BUFFASbuffas n. Plural of buffa.
Buffas prop.n. Plural of Buffa.
BUFFA n. (Italian) the comic actress in an opera.
CALCTUFASCALCTUFA n. a rock made of fine volcanic detritus, also TOPH, TOPHE, TUFA.
CHUFASchufas n. Plural of chufa.
CHUFA n. (Spanish) a sedge-like plant producing edible tubers, native about the Mediterranean.
FASfas n. Plural of fa.
fas n. (Scotland, obsolete) A border or fringe.
fas n. (Scotland, obsolete) A thing represented as being worthless.
HALFASHALFA n. (Arabic) a North African esparto grass, also ALFA.
JAFASJAFAs n. Plural of JAFA.
JAFA n. (offensive New Zealand slang) a person from Auckland.
JAFFASjaffas n. Plural of jaffa.
Jaffas n. Plural of Jaffa.
JAFFA n. in cricket, a well-bowled ball that is likely to take a wicket.
KHALIFASkhalifas n. Plural of khalifa.
Khalifas n. Plural of Khalifa.
KHALIFA n. (Arabic) a caliph; a Senussi leader; the Mahdi's successor, also KHALIFAH.
LOOFASloofas n. Plural of loofa.
loofas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of loofa.
LOOFA n. (Arabic) a kind of vine, whose fibrous gourdlike fruit is used as sponge, also LOOFAH, LUFFA.
LUFFASluffas n. Plural of luffa.
LUFFA n. (Arabic) a kind of vine, whose fibrous gourdlike fruit is used as sponge, also LOOFA, LOOFAH.
NAKFASnakfas n. Plural of nakfa.
NAKFA n. the standard currency unit of Eritrea.
SOFASsofas n. Plural of sofa.
sofas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sofa.
SOFAs n. Plural of SOFA.
SULFASsulfas n. Plural of sulfa.
SULFA n. a bacteria-inhibiting drug, also SULPHA.
TUFAStufas n. Plural of tufa.
TUFA n. (Italian) a rock made of fine volcanic detritus, also CALCTUFA, TOPH, TOPHE.
YARFASYARFA n. (Old Norse) in Shetland, peaty soil; clayey, sandy or fibrous peat, also YARPHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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