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List of 12-letter words ending with

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There are 11 twelve-letter words ending with ENTATION

ALIMENTATIONalimentation n. (Law) Alimony.
alimentation n. (Biology) Nourishment, as a process or as a substance.
alimentation n. A French delicatessen.
AUGMENTATIONaugmentation n. The act or process of augmenting.
augmentation n. (Heraldry) A particular mark of honour, granted by the sovereign in consideration of some noble action…
augmentation n. (Medicine) A surgical procedure to enlarge a body part, as breast augmentation.
COMMENTATIONcommentation n. The act of making comments.
commentation n. The work of a commentator.
commentation n. (Programming) Utilization of comments in source code.
CONTENTATIONcontentation n. (Obsolete) contentment; satisfaction.
CONTENTATION n. (obsolete) being content.
FERMENTATIONfermentation n. (Biochemistry) Any of many anaerobic biochemical reactions in which an enzyme (or several enzymes produced…
fermentation n. A state of agitation or excitement; a ferment.
FERMENTATION n. a chemical change with effervescence, as by the action of yeast.
FRUMENTATIONfrumentation n. (Historical) The distribution of corn to the people (especially to appease them during agitation for…
FRUMENTATION n. a gift of grain bestowed on starving or rebellious people in ancient Rome.
PIGMENTATIONpigmentation n. Coloration of human, plant or animal tissue, especially by pigment.
PIGMENTATION n. coloration with or deposition of pigment.
PLACENTATIONplacentation n. (Biology) The local fusion of the embryonic stage of an animal to its parent for physiological exchange…
placentation n. (Botany) The manner in which the seeds are attached to the placenta within the ovary locules.
PLACENTATION n. the arrangement of placentas and ovules in a plant ovary.
PRESENTATIONpresentation n. The act of presenting, or something presented.
presentation n. A dramatic performance.
presentation n. An award given to someone on a special occasion.
SEGMENTATIONsegmentation n. The act or an instance of dividing into segments.
segmentation n. The state of being divided into segments.
segmentation n. The partitioning of an image into groups of pixels.
SUSTENTATIONsustentation n. The act or the result of sustaining; sustainment.
sustentation n. The aggregate of the functions by which a living organism is maintained in a normal condition of weight and growth.
sustentation n. (Christianity) The scheme by which the ministers of the Free Church of Scotland are supported by voluntary…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 16 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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