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There are 13 words ending with ERTIBLE

ASSERTIBLEassertible adj. Alternative form of assertable.
assertible n. Alternative form of assertable.
ASSERTIBLE adj. that can be asserted, also ASSERTABLE.
AVERTIBLEavertible adj. Capable of being averted; preventable.
AVERTIBLE adj. capable of being averted, also AVERTABLE.
CONTROVERTIBLEcontrovertible adj. Open to questioning; that which can be denied, challenged, or disputed.
CONTROVERTIBLE adj. open to question, disputable.
CONVERTIBLEconvertible adj. Able to be converted, particularly…
convertible n. (Dated, in the plural) Interchangeable things or terms.
convertible n. (Vehicles) A convertible car: a car with a removable or foldable roof able to convert from a closed…
DIVERTIBLEdivertible adj. Alternative form of divertable.
DIVERTIBLE adj. capable of being diverted.
INCONVERTIBLEinconvertible adj. Not convertible.
INCONVERTIBLE adj. not convertible.
INDIVERTIBLEindivertible adj. Not to be diverted or turned aside.
INDIVERTIBLE adj. that cannot be diverted.
INVERTIBLEinvertible adj. Capable of being inverted or turned.
invertible adj. (Mathematics, especially of a function or matrix) Able to be inverted, having an inverse.
invertible adj. (Chemistry) Capable of being changed or converted.
NONCONVERTIBLEnonconvertible adj. Not convertible; that cannot be exchanged for an equivalent.
NONCONVERTIBLE adj. not convertible.
PERVERTIBLEpervertible adj. Capable of being perverted.
pervertible n. A person who is liable to corruption.
pervertible n. An everyday or household object that can be used in sexual activity.
REVERTIBLErevertible adj. Able to be reverted.
REVERTIBLE adj. capable of being reverted; as, a revertible estate.
UNAVERTIBLEunavertible adj. That cannot be averted.
UNAVERTIBLE adj. that cannot be averted, also UNAVERTABLE.
UNCONVERTIBLEunconvertible adj. That cannot be converted.
UNCONVERTIBLE adj. not convertible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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