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There are 11 words ending with EWABLE

CHEWABLEchewable adj. Capable of being chewed.
chewable adj. Chewy.
chewable adj. (Finance, of a poison pill) Allowing for a particular type of bid that does not trigger the flip-in.
HEWABLEhewable adj. Capable of being hewn.
HEWABLE adj. able to be hewed.
NONRENEWABLEnonrenewable adj. Not able to be renewed; incapable of renewal.
nonrenewable adj. (With respect to a resource) unsustainable; not able to be regrown or renewed; not having an ongoing…
nonrenewable n. A resource that is not renewable.
RENEWABLErenewable adj. Able to be renewed; capable of renewal.
renewable adj. (Of a resource) Sustainable; able to be regrown or renewed; having an ongoing or continuous source of…
renewable n. A thing that is renewable; especially, a renewable source of energy.
REVIEWABLEreviewable adj. Eligible for review or reconsideration.
reviewable adj. Able to be evaluated in a review, as by critics.
REVIEWABLE adj. that can be reviewed.
SCREWABLEscrewable adj. (Not comparable) That can be screwed (fastened mechanically).
screwable adj. (Slang, vulgar) Suitable or desirable for sexual intercourse.
SCREWABLE adj. that can be screwed.
SEWABLEsewable adj. Capable of being sewed.
SEWABLE adj. able to be sewn.
STEWABLEstewable adj. Suitable for stewing.
STEWABLE adj. able to be stewed.
UNCHEWABLEunchewable adj. That cannot be chewed.
unchewable n. Something that cannot be chewed.
UNCHEWABLE adj. not chewable.
UNREVIEWABLEunreviewable adj. Not able to be reviewed, or not subject to review.
UNREVIEWABLE adj. not reviewable.
VIEWABLEviewable adj. Able to be viewed.
viewable adj. Able to be seen; visible.
viewable adj. (Internet, of a webpage or component) Able to be rendered correctly by a particular browser.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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