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There are 8 words ending with ERLINE

BERLINEberline n. (Quebec, automotive) A sedan-type car.
berline n. (Historical) Alternative form of berlin (“type of carriage”).
BERLINE n. (German) an old four-wheeled carriage, also BERLIN.
INTERLINEinterline adj. Between lines.
interline adj. (Transport) Between (or with) two airlines.
interline v. To write or insert between lines already written or printed, as for addition or correction.
UNDERLINEunderline n. A line placed underneath a piece of text in order to provide emphasis or to indicate that it should…
underline n. The character _.
underline n. (Dated) An announcement of a theatrical performance to follow, placed in an advertisement for the current one.
WATERLINEwaterline n. (Nautical) A line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat; any of…
waterline n. (Aviation) A horizontal line indicating the shape of an airfoil.
waterline n. A line showing where the water has been, usually a line separating dry land and wet areas; a watermark or tidemark.
BORDERLINEborderline adj. Nearly; not clearly on one side or the other of a border or boundary, ambiguous.
borderline adj. Showing bad taste.
borderline adj. Exhibiting borderline personality disorder.
CENTERLINEcenterline n. A line through the center that divides a shape into equal pieces.
centerline n. (Martial arts, boxing) An imaginary line connecting the center of two fighters’ bodies while they face each other.
CENTERLINE n. an often imaginary line that divides a body into two equal halves, also CENTRELINE.
TIMBERLINEtimberline n. The height or limit beyond which trees do not grow in mountainous or Arctic regions.
timber␣line n. Alternative spelling of timberline.
TIMBERLINE n. the upper limit of timber trees on a mountain.
TELPHERLINETELPHERLINE n. a line bearing a telpher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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