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There are 15 words ending with EOLATE

ALVEOLATEalveolate adj. Having a structure containing honeycomb-like cavities.
alveolate n. (Biology) A member of a grouping of protists comprising the ciliates, sporozoa and dinoflagellates.
ALVEOLATE adj. of or like a honeycomb.
AREOLATEareolate adj. Having areolas.
areolate adj. (Biology, mycology) Having a pattern of block-like areas similar to cracked dried mud.
AREOLATE adj. divided into areolae.
BRACTEOLATEbracteolate adj. (Botany) Having bracteoles.
BRACTEOLATE adj. having bracteoles.
CALCEOLATEcalceolate adj. Slipper-shaped.
CALCEOLATE adj. slipper-shaped.
CAPREOLATEcapreolate adj. (Botany) Having a tendril or tendrils.
CAPREOLATE adj. having or resembling tentacles.
EBRACTEOLATEebracteolate adj. (Botany) Having no bracteoles.
EBRACTEOLATE adj. without bracteoles.
FAVEOLATEfaveolate adj. Having cavities or cells like those of a honeycomb.
FAVEOLATE adj. honeycombed.
FOVEOLATEfoveolate adj. Having small pits or depressions, like the receptacle in some composite flowers.
FOVEOLATE adj. like a foveola, a small depression, also FOVEOLATED.
LANCEOLATElanceolate adj. (Botany, mycology) Having the general shape of a lance; much longer than wide, with the widest part…
lanceolate adj. (Archaeology) Of a class of knapped stone points, made without a stem, shoulders, notches, or other…
lanceolate n. Any such artefact.
LINEOLATElineolate adj. (Zoology) Marked with little lines.
lineolate adj. (Botany) Marked longitudinally with fine lines.
LINEOLATE adj. marked with fine lines, also LINEOLATED.
MULTINUCLEOLATEmultinucleolate adj. Having multiple nucleoli.
MULTINUCLEOLATE adj. having several nucleoli.
NUCLEOLATENUCLEOLATE adj. having a nucleus or nucleolus, also NUCLEOLATED.
OBLANCEOLATEoblanceolate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Of a reversed lanceolate shape: attached to the stem by the pointed end, with the…
OBLANCEOLATE adj. of e.g. a leaf, like a lance-head reversed.
SUBLANCEOLATEsublanceolate adj. (Botany, of a leaf) Almost lanceolate.
SUBLANCEOLATE adj. not quite lanceolate.
URCEOLATEurceolate adj. (Botany) Shaped like an urn.
urceolate adj. Having an urceolus.
URCEOLATE adj. shaped like a pitcher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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