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List of 12-letter words ending with

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There are 15 twelve-letter words ending with ETICAL

ALPHABETICALalphabetical adj. Pertaining to, furnished with, or expressed by letters of the alphabet.
alphabetical adj. According to the sequence of the letters of the alphabet.
alphabetical adj. (Obsolete) literal.
ANCHORETICALanchoretical adj. Anchoretic.
ANCHORETICAL adj. of or like an anchoret, also ANCHORETIC.
ANTITHETICALantithetical adj. Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis;…
ANTITHETICAL adj. relating to antithesis, also ANTITHETIC.
APOLOGETICALapologetical adj. Apologetic.
APOLOGETICAL adj. expressing apology, also APOLOGETIC.
ARITHMETICALarithmetical adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to arithmetic, particularly the functions of arithmetic (noun; stress…
ARITHMETICAL adj. relating to arithmetic.
ATHEORETICALatheoretical adj. Independent of theory.
ATHEORETICAL adj. not based on or concerned with theory.
BIOGENETICALbiogenetical adj. Biogenetic.
BIOGENETICAL adj. pertaining to biogenesis, the theory that all life is derived from living matter alone, also BIOGENETIC.
CATECHETICALcatechetical adj. Of or pertaining to catechesis.
CATECHETICAL adj. relating to catechism, also CATECHETIC.
CYBERNETICALcybernetical adj. Synonym of cybernetic.
CYBERNETICAL adj. relating to cybernetics, also CYBERNETIC.
DITHELETICALDITHELETICAL adj. relating to ditheletism, the doctrine that Christ had two wills, also DIOTHELETIC, DITHELETIC.
EPEXEGETICALepexegetical adj. Relating to epexegesis.
EPEXEGETICAL adj. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.
HYPOTHETICALhypothetical adj. Based upon a hypothesis; conjectural.
hypothetical adj. (Philosophy) conditional; contingent upon some hypothesis/antecedent.
hypothetical n. A possible or hypothetical situation or proposition.
METATHETICALmetathetical adj. (Linguistics) Exhibiting metathesis.
METATHETICAL adj. relating to metathesis, also METATHETIC.
NOMOTHETICALnomothetical adj. Nomothetic.
NOMOTHETICAL adj. legislative; based on law, also NOMOTHETIC.
PARAENETICALparaenetical adj. (Now rare) Giving advice; advisory, hortatory.
parænetical adj. Obsolete form of paraenetical.
PARAENETICAL adj. exhortatory, also PARAENETIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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