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There are 13 words ending with EWARD

REWARDreward n. Something of value given in return for an act.
reward n. A prize promised for a certain deed or catch.
reward n. The result of an action, whether good or bad.
LEEWARDleeward adj. On the side sheltered from the wind; in that direction.
leeward adv. Away from the direction from which the wind is blowing; downwind.
LEEWARD adj. towards the lee side.
STEWARDsteward n. A person who manages the property or affairs for another entity.
steward n. (Nautical) A ship’s officer who is in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions.
steward n. A flight attendant, especially male.
FOREWARDforeward n. (Obsolete) An advance group; the vanguard.
foreward adv. Misspelling of forward.
foreward n. Misspelling of foreword.
HIVEWARDhiveward adj. Towards a hive.
hiveward adv. Towards a hive.
HIVEWARD adv. in the direction of a hive, also HIVEWARDS.
HOMEWARDhomeward adv. Towards home.
homeward adj. Oriented towards home.
HOMEWARD adv. in the direction of home, also HAMEWITH, HOMEWARDS.
LAKEWARDlakeward adj. Located, facing or moving toward a lake.
lakeward adv. Toward a lake.
LAKEWARD adj. facing a lake, also LAKEWARDS.
POLEWARDpoleward adj. Towards a (north or south) pole.
poleward adv. Towards a pole of a planet.
POLEWARD adv. in the direction of either the North or South pole.
REREWARDrereward n. Obsolete spelling of rearward (in the archaic and historical military sense of rearguard and the obsolete…
REREWARD n. the rearmost division of an army, also REARWARD.
SIDEWARDsideward adj. Toward a side.
sideward adv. Toward a side.
SIDEWARD adv. in a sideways direction, also SIDEWARDS.
GRAVEWARDgraveward adv. Toward the grave.
graveward adj. Toward the grave.
GRAVEWARD adv. in the direction of the grave.
SHOREWARDshoreward adj. In the direction of the shoreline, relatively speaking.
shoreward adj. Facing the shore.
shoreward adv. Toward the shore.
SPACEWARDspaceward adv. Towards outer space.
SPACEWARD adv. towards space.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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