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There are 16 words ending with ETIVE

DELETIVEdeletive adj. Tending to delete or obliterate.
DELETIVE adj. serving to delete, also DELETORY.
QUIETIVEquietive adj. Tending to quieten or make passive.
quietive n. Something that quietens; a sedative.
QUIETIVE n. a sedative.
VEGETIVEvegetive adj. (Obsolete) vegetable.
vegetive adj. Of or pertaining to vegetation.
vegetive n. (Obsolete) vegetable.
ACCRETIVEaccretive adj. Relating to accretion; increasing, or adding to, by growth.
ACCRETIVE adj. relating to accretion, also ACCRETIONARY.
DECRETIVEdecretive adj. Having the authority of a decree.
DECRETIVE adj. relating to or having the force of a decree, also DECRETORY.
DEPLETIVEdepletive adj. Causing depletion.
depletive n. Any substance used to deplete.
DEPLETIVE adj. serving to deplete, also DEPLETORY.
EXCRETIVEexcretive adj. Having the power of excreting, or promoting excretion.
EXCRETIVE adj. having the power of excreting, or promoting excretion.
EXPLETIVEexpletive adj. Serving to fill up, merely for effect, otherwise redundant.
expletive adj. Marked by expletives (phrase-fillers).
expletive n. A profane, vulgar term, notably a curse or obscene oath.
FORGETIVEforgetive adj. (Obsolete) inventive; productive; capable.
FORGETIVE adj. (Shakespeare) creative, inventive.
SECRETIVEsecretive adj. Having an inclination to secrecy.
secretive adj. Relating to secretion.
SECRETIVE adj. inclined to or fond of secrecy.
COMPLETIVEcompletive adj. Making complete.
completive n. (Grammar) A construction denoting completion.
COMPLETIVE adj. making complete, also COMPLETORY.
CONCRETIVEconcretive adj. Promoting concretion.
CONCRETIVE adj. promoting concretion.
DISCRETIVEdiscretive adj. Marking distinction or separation; disjunctive.
DISCRETIVE adj. marking distinction or separation.
DISCRETIVE n. a disjunctive conjunction or preposition.
SUPPLETIVEsuppletive adj. Making up for deficiencies; supplementary; suppletory.
suppletive adj. (Grammar) Supplying an etymologically unrelated word with forms, or which is used as one of its forms…
suppletive adj. (Law) Relating to laws which can apply in a contract if the parties choose to agree to this.
DISQUIETIVEdisquietive adj. Tending to disquiet.
DISQUIETIVE adj. causing disquiet.
INTERPRETIVEinterpretive adj. Alternative form of interpretative.
INTERPRETIVE adj. relating to interpretation, also INTERPRETATIVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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