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There are 13 words ending with EPSIS

PEPSISpepsis n. Plural of pepsi.
Pepsis n. Plural of Pepsi.
Pepsis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pompilidae.
SEPSISsepsis n. (Pathology) A serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed, causing injury to its own…
Sepsis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sepsidae – ensign flies.
SEPSIS n. (Greek) the state of being septic.
ASEPSISasepsis n. (Pathology) The state of being free from sepsis.
asepsis n. (Pathology) The process of removing pathogenic organisms or protecting against such organisms.
ASEPSIS n. (Greek) freedom from blood poisoning.
SCEPSISscepsis n. Skepticism; skeptical philosophy.
SCEPSIS n. (Greek) philosophic doubt, also SKEPSIS.
SKEPSISskepsis n. Alternative form of scepsis.
SKEPSIS n. (Greek) philosophical doubt, also SCEPSIS.
PROLEPSISprolepsis n. (Rhetoric) The assignment of something to a period of time that precedes it.
prolepsis n. (Logic) The anticipation of an objection to an argument.
prolepsis n. (Grammar, rhetoric) A construction that consists of placing an element in a syntactic unit before that…
SYLLEPSISsyllepsis n. (Rhetoric) A figure of speech in which one word simultaneously modifies two or more other words such…
syllepsis n. (Botany) Growth in which lateral branches develop from a lateral meristem, without the formation of…
SYLLEPSIS n. (Greek) a construction in which a word governs two or more other words but agrees in number, gender, or case with only one, or has a different meaning when applied to each of the words, as in 'He lost his coat and his temper'.
ANTISEPSISantisepsis n. (Hygiene) The science and practice of countering microbial infection, as with the use of antiseptics…
antisepsis n. (Archaic) Any antiseptic agent.
ANTISEPSIS n. the destruction of bacteria by a chemical agent.
METALEPSISmetalepsis n. (Rhetoric) A rhetorical device whereby one word is metonymically substituted for another word which…
METALEPSIS n. metonymy, esp. of a double, complicated, or indirect kind.
EPANALEPSISepanalepsis n. (Rhetoric) The repetition of the same word or clause after intervening matter.
EPANALEPSIS n. repetition or resumption with the same words e.g. 'The king is dead, long live the king'.
MONOBLEPSISmonoblepsis n. (Pathology) A defect of vision that is evident only if both eyes are open.
MONOBLEPSIS n. a condition in which vision is more distinct when one eye only is used.
PARABLEPSISparablepsis n. (Palaeography) A circumstance in which a scribe miscopies text due to inadvertently looking to the side…
PARABLEPSIS n. false vision; oversight, also PARABLEPSY.
OMPHALOSKEPSISomphaloskepsis n. Contemplation of or meditation upon one’s navel; navel-gazing.
omphaloskepsis n. (Figuratively) Ratiocination to the point of self-absorption.
OMPHALOSKEPSIS n. the contemplation of one's own navel to induce a mental trance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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