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There are 16 words ending with ENIAL

DENIALdenial n. An assertion of untruth.
denial n. (Logic) The negation in logic.
denial n. A refusal or failure to provide or grant something that is requested or desired.
GENIALgenial adj. Friendly and cheerful.
genial adj. (Especially of weather) Pleasantly mild and warm.
genial adj. Marked by genius.
MENIALmenial adj. Of or relating to work normally performed by a servant.
menial adj. Of or relating to unskilled work.
menial adj. Servile; low; mean.
PENIALpenial adj. (Usually of invertebrates) Of or relating to the penis.
PENIAL adj. relating to the penis, also PENILE.
VENIALvenial adj. Able to be forgiven; worthy of forgiveness.
VENIAL adj. easily excused or forgiven.
XENIALxenial adj. Hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners.
xenial adj. Of the relation between a host and guest; friendly.
XENIAL adj. of or concerning hospitality towards guests.
AKENIALAKENIAL adj. relating to an achene, also ACHENIAL.
ACHENIALachenial adj. Pertaining to an achene.
ACHENIAL adj. relating to an achene, also AKENIAL.
HYMENIALhymenial adj. (Mycology) Of or pertaining to the hymenium of a fungus.
HYMENIAL adj. relating to the hymenium, the spore-bearing surface of certain fungi, as that on the gills of a mushroom.
SPLENIALsplenial adj. Relating to the splenium, especially describing the pair of muscles, at the back of the neck, that move…
splenial n. Splenial bone.
SPLENIAL adj. of or like the splenius, a muscle of the neck.
UNGENIALungenial adj. Not genial.
UNGENIAL adj. not genial.
CONGENIALcongenial adj. Having the same or very similar nature, personality, tastes, habits or interests.
congenial adj. Friendly or sociable.
congenial adj. Suitable to one’s needs.
CATAMENIALcatamenial adj. Of or relating to the menses or menstruation.
CATAMENIAL adj. pertaining to the catamenia, or menstrual discharges.
PRIMIGENIALprimigenial adj. First of all; firstborn; primary; original.
PRIMIGENIAL adj. first or earliest formed or produced.
PRIMOGENIALprimogenial adj. First born, made, or generated; original; primary; elemental.
PRIMOGENIAL adj. first to be formed; original.
UNCONGENIALuncongenial adj. Not congenial, compatible or sympathetic.
uncongenial adj. Not appropriate; unsuitable.
uncongenial adj. Not pleasing; disagreeable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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