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There are 12 words ending with ENDUM

AGENDUMagendum n. (Obsolete) A task which ought to be done.
agendum n. (Theology) Something to be done; a practical duty, rather than an article of faith.
AGENDUM n. (Latin) an item on an agenda.
ADDENDUMaddendum n. Something to be added; especially text added as an appendix or supplement to a document.
addendum n. A postscript.
addendum n. (Engineering) The height by which the tooth of a gear projects beyond (outside for external, or inside…
DEDENDUMdedendum n. The difference between the radius of the pitch circle of a gear and its root circle.
DEDENDUM n. the root of a gear tooth.
HABENDUMhabendum n. (Law, dated) The part of a deed that formally defines the extent of ownership or tenancy granted.
HABENDUM n. the part of a deed that limits the extent of ownership.
PUDENDUMpudendum n. (Usually in the plural) An external genital organ in a human; especially a woman’s vulva.
pudendum n. (In the plural) A person’s genital organ, mons pubis, anus, and buttocks collectively.
pudendum n. (Figuratively) A shameful part of something.
TENENDUMtenendum n. (Law) The clause in a deed wherein the tenure of the land is defined and limited.
TENENDUM n. (Latin) a clause in a deed defining land tenure.
VIDENDUMvidendum n. That which is to be seen.
VIDENDUM n. things to be seen.
CREDENDUMcredendum n. (Theology) Something to be believed; an article of faith.
CREDENDUM n. (Latin) an article of faith.
REDDENDUMreddendum n. (Law) A clause in a deed by which some new thing is reserved out of what had been granted before; the…
REDDENDUM n. (Latin) a clause in a lease.
REFERENDUMreferendum n. (Politics) A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment. The adposition on is…
referendum n. An action, choice, etc., which is perceived as passing judgment on another matter.
REFERENDUM n. (Latin) the process or principle of referring an important political question to the nation as a whole.
CORRIGENDUMcorrigendum n. An error that is to be corrected in a printed work after publication.
corrigendum n. (Usually in the plural) A list of errors in a printed work as a separate page of corrections.
CORRIGENDUM n. an error in a printed work discovered after printing and shown with its correction on a separate sheet.
DEFINIENDUMdefiniendum n. (Semantics) The term—word or phrase—defined in a definition.
DEFINIENDUM n. (Latin) a word or phrase that is to be defined in a dictionary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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