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There are 14 words ending with EMATE

REMATEremate v. To mate again, usually with another partner.
REMATE v. to mate again.
AGEMATEagemate n. Alternative form of age-mate.
age-mate n. One who is the same age as another.
AGEMATE n. a person of the same age as another.
CREMATEcremate v. (Transitive) To burn something to ashes.
cremate v. (Transitive) To incinerate a dead body (as an alternative to burial).
CREMATE v. to reduce to ashes.
CASEMATEcasemate n. (Military) A bombproof chamber, usually of masonry, in which cannon may be placed, to be fired through…
casemate n. (Architecture) A hollow molding, chiefly in cornices.
CASEMATE n. a bombproof chamber or armoured compartment.
COPEMATEcopemate n. (Obsolete) adversary, antagonist.
copemate n. (Obsolete) associate, companion, comrade.
copemate n. (Obsolete) paramour; spouse.
LINEMATElinemate n. (Sports) Someone who plays in the same offensive or defensive line.
LINEMATE n. a hockey player on the same line as another.
RACEMATEracemate n. (Chemistry) a racemic mixture.
racemate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of racemic acid.
racemate n. One racing in the same race.
YOKEMATEyokemate n. An animal yoked with another.
yokemate n. (Archaic) A companion.
yokemate v. (Transitive) To connect together as if by a yoke.
HOUSEMATEhousemate n. Someone living in the same house.
HOUSEMATE n. one who dwells in the same house with another.
INCREMATEincremate v. (Transitive) To cremate.
INCREMATE v. (obsolete) to cremate.
STALEMATEstalemate n. (Chess) The state in which the player to move is not in check but has no legal moves, resulting in a draw.
stalemate n. (By extension) Any situation that has no obvious possible movement, but involves no personal loss.
stalemate n. Any kind of match in which neither contestant laid claim to victory; a draw.
TABLEMATEtablemate n. Someone with whom one shares a table.
TABLEMATE n. one who shares a table.
OFFICEMATEofficemate n. Alternative spelling of office mate.
office␣mate n. One who shares an office with another.
STABLEMATEstablemate n. One (such as a racehorse) from the same stable.
stablemate n. One from the same organization or background.
STABLEMATE n. a horse from the same stable as another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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