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There are 18 words ending with ELAND

BARELANDBARELAND adj. as in bareland croft, a croft with no croft house.
DUNELANDduneland n. Land where dunes are found.
DUNELAND n. an area having many dunes.
ELANDeland n. A genus of large South African antelope (Taurotragus), valued both for its hide and flesh.
Eland prop.n. A surname.
Eland prop.n. A village in Shawano County, Wisconsin, United States.
FORELANDforeland n. A headland.
foreland n. (Geology) In plate tectonics, the zone adjacent to a mountain chain where material eroded from it is deposited.
FORELAND n. a projecting mass of land.
HIELANDHIELAND adj. characteristic of Highlanders esp. in respect of supposed gullibility.
HOMELANDhomeland n. The country that one regards as home.
homeland n. One’s country of residence.
homeland n. One’s country of birth.
LAKELANDlakeland n. Terrain with many lakes.
Lakeland prop.n. The Lake District, a rural area in northwest England.
Lakeland prop.n. A city in Polk County, Florida, United States.
MOVIELANDmovieland n. The industry of films and filmmaking.
movieland n. The fictitious world where films are set.
MOVIELAND n. the world of the movies.
PASTURELANDpastureland n. Land used for grazing animals.
PASTURELAND n. land used for pasture.
PINELANDpineland n. A forested area with an abundance of pine trees.
PINELAND n. land forested with pine.
PLATTELANDplatteland n. (South Africa) country, countryside.
PLATTELAND n. (South African) rural districts.
RANGELANDrangeland n. (US) unimproved land that is suitable for the grazing of livestock.
RANGELAND n. land suitable for grazing, but too dry for growing crops.
RELANDreland v. To land again.
reland v. To return to shore after having embarked.
RELAND v. to land again.
SEDGELANDsedgeland n. Land where sedge grows in abundance.
SEDGELAND n. land where sedge grows.
TABLELANDtableland n. A relatively flat region of terrain, particularly in reference to surrounding terrain.
TABLELAND n. a plateau.
THEATRELANDtheatreland n. Part of the West End district of London, England, where many theatres can be found.
THEATRELAND n. the main theatre district of a city, esp. in the West End of London, also THEATERLAND.
TIDELANDtideland n. The area at the shore that is exposed to the effects of the tide.
TIDELAND n. land covered and uncovered by the tide.
WASTELANDwasteland n. A place with no remaining resources; a desert.
wasteland n. Any barren or uninteresting place.
wasteland n. A devastated, not (or no longer) habitable area.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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