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There are 10 words ending with ECIAL

AECIALaecial adj. (Mycology) Of, pertaining to, or resembling an aecium.
AECIAL adj. relating to an aecium, a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi, also AECIDIAL.
FECIALfecial n. Alternative spelling of fetial.
fecial adj. Alternative spelling of fetial.
FECIAL n. (Latin) a priest of ancient Rome, also FETIAL, FETIALIS.
SPECIALspecial adj. Distinguished by a unique or unusual quality.
special adj. Of particular personal interest or value; dear; beloved.
special adj. (Euphemistic) Of or related to disabilities, especially learning or intellectual disabilities.
ESPECIALespecial adj. Exceptional in importance or significance; special.
especial adj. Particular.
ESPECIAL adj. special.
ANDROECIALandroecial adj. (Botany) Relating to the androecium.
ANDROECIAL adj. relating to the androecium, the male organs (stamens) of a flower taken collectively.
APOTHECIALapothecial adj. (Lichenology) Relating to the apothecium.
APOTHECIAL adj. relating to an apothecium, an open cup- or disc-shaped fruiting body borne by many lichens.
ZOOTHECIALZOOTHECIAL adj. of or like a zoothecium, the tubular sheath of certain infusorians.
ENDOTHECIALENDOTHECIAL adj. relating to the endothecium.
PERITHECIALperithecial adj. Relating to a perithecium.
PERITHECIAL adj. related to a perithecium, a small fruiting body containing ascospores.
SUPERSPECIALsuperspecial adj. Extremely special.
superspecial n. (Media) An especially large or spectacular mass-media special, such as on television.
superspecial n. (Motor racing) A special spectator stage of a rally event.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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