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List of 15-letter words ending with

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words ending with EMENT

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTacknowledgement n. (Most common British spelling, also sometimes used in the US) Alternative spelling of acknowledgment.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT n. the act of acknowledging, also ACKNOWLEDGMENT.
AFFRANCHISEMENTaffranchisement n. The act of freeing; enfranchisement.
AFFRANCHISEMENT n. the act of affranchising.
COUNTERMOVEMENTcountermovement n. A movement in opposition, or retaliation to another.
COUNTERMOVEMENT n. an opposing movement.
DISENTANGLEMENTdisentanglement n. Removal of, or extrication from twists, tangles, complications or confusion.
DISENTANGLEMENT n. the act of disentangling.
DISENTRANCEMENTdisentrancement n. The process of awakening somebody from a trance.
DISENTRANCEMENT n. the act of disentrancing.
ECLAIRCISSEMENTeclaircissement n. An explanation of something obscure or unknown; clarification, enlightenment.
éclaircissement n. Alternative form of eclaircissement.
ECLAIRCISSEMENT n. (French) clarification, enlightenment.
ENFRANCHISEMENTenfranchisement n. The act of enfranchising.
enfranchisement n. A release from slavery.
enfranchisement n. The investiture with any of several municipal privileges.
HYPEREXCITEMENThyperexcitement n. A state of very high excitement.
HYPEREXCITEMENT n. the state of being hyperexcited.
INTERCHANGEMENTinterchangement n. Interchange, exchange.
INTERCHANGEMENT n. (Shakespeare) exchange, mutual transfer.
INTERTANGLEMENTintertanglement n. The entanglement together of more than one thing.
INTERTANGLEMENT n. mutual entanglement.
IRRECONCILEMENTirreconcilement n. The state or quality of being unreconciled; disagreement.
IRRECONCILEMENT n. the state of being irreconciled.
MICROMANAGEMENTmicromanagement n. The direct management of a project, etc. to an excessive degree, with too much attention to detail and…
micro-management n. Alternative form of micromanagement.
MICROMANAGEMENT n. management at a very detailed level.
NONINFRINGEMENTnoninfringement n. Absence of infringement.
NONINFRINGEMENT n. something that is not an infringement.
OVERACHIEVEMENToverachievement n. A greater than anticipated achievement.
OVERACHIEVEMENT n. excessive achievement.
PREANNOUNCEMENTpreannouncement n. Announcement in advance.
READVERTIZEMENTREADVERTIZEMENT n. the act of advertizing again.
SUPERINDUCEMENTsuperinducement n. Act or result of superinducing.
SUPERINDUCEMENT n. the act of superinducing.
TRANSFIGUREMENTtransfigurement n. Transfiguration.
TRANSFIGUREMENT n. the act of transfiguring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 235 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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