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There are 6 words ending with ETUS

BOLETUSboletus n. An edible mushroom of genus Boletus.
Boletus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Boletaceae – boletes.
BOLETUS n. (Latin) a genus of fungi with a pore-like surface instead of gills.
CATHETUScathetus n. (Geometry) A line perpendicular to a surface (or line); in particular, either of the sides of a right…
CATHETUS n. (Greek) a straight line perpendicular to another straight line or surface.
FETUSfetus n. (Australia, Canada, US) An unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal.
fetus n. (Australia, Canada, US) A human embryo after the eighth week of gestation.
FETUS n. (Latin) the unborn in the womb with distinctly formed parts, also FOETUS.
FOETUSfoetus n. (Chiefly UK) Alternative spelling of fetus.
fœtus n. (UK, rare) Alternative form of fetus.
FOETUS n. (Latin) the unborn in the womb with distinctly formed parts, also FETUS.
IMPETUSimpetus n. Anything that impels; a stimulating factor.
impetus n. A force, either internal or external, that impels; an impulse.
impetus n. The force or energy associated with a moving body; a stimulus.
QUIETUSquietus n. A stillness or pause; something that quiets or represses; removal from activity.
quietus n. (Figuratively) Death.
quietus n. Final settlement (e.g., of a debt).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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