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There are 7 words ending with ETIA

AUBRETIAaubretia n. Any plant of the genus Aubrieta.
AUBRETIA n. any of several dwarf trailing cruciferous plants of the genus Aubrieta, usually bearing violet or purple flowers, also AUBRIETA, AUBRIETIA.
AUBRIETIAaubrietia n. A creeping perennial plant native to southeastern Europe, Aubrieta deltoidea, grown as a groundcover…
AUBRIETIA n. any of several dwarf trailing cruciferous plants of the genus Aubrieta, usually bearing violet or purple flowers, also AUBRETIA, AUBRIETA.
GODETIAgodetia n. Any of several flowering plants of the taxonomic section of Clarkia, Clarkia sect. Godetia.
GODETIA n. any plant of an American genus, closely related to the evening primrose.
MONTBRETIAmontbretia n. Any plant of the genus Crocosmia (once called Montbretia).
MONTBRETIA n. a widely cultivated plant of the African iridaceous genus Crocosmia.
PERICHAETIAperichaetia n. Plural of perichaetium.
PERICHAETIUM n. a sheath or cluster of leaves around the archegonia in mosses and liverworts.
PERIPETIAperipetia n. Alternative form of peripeteia.
PERIPETIA n. (Greek) a sudden and violent change in circumstances, esp. in drama, also PERIPETEIA, PERIPETY.
RETIAretia n. Plural of rete.
RETE n. an anatomical mesh or network.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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