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There are 12 words ending with ESSY

MESSYmessy adj. (Of a place, situation, person, etc) In a disorderly state; chaotic; disorderly.
messy adj. (Of a person) Prone to causing mess.
messy adj. (Of a situation) Difficult or unpleasant to deal with.
CRESSYcressy adj. Abounding in cresses.
cressy adj. Resembling or characteristic of cress.
Cressy prop.n. Synonym of Crecy (Crecy-en-Ponthieu, Crecy Forest, Crecy Campaign, Battle of Crecy).
DRESSYdressy adj. Elegant, smart, or stylish.
dressy adj. Fond of dressing up; keen on fashion.
DRESSY adj. showy in dress.
PRESSYPRESSY n. (colloquial) a present, also PRESSIE, PREZZIE.
TRESSYtressy adj. Abounding in tresses.
TRESSY adj. abounding in tresses.
STRESSYstressy adj. (Colloquial) stressful.
stressy adj. (Colloquial) stressed; irritable.
STRESSY adj. (colloquial) causing or affected by stress.
ACTRESSYactressy adj. Characteristic of an actress.
actressy adj. Histrionic or theatrical.
ACTRESSY adj. like an actress.
BUSINESSYbusinessy adj. (Informal) Businesslike, or related to business.
BUSINESSY adj. relating to business.
GOVERNESSYgovernessy adj. (Informal) governesslike.
GOVERNESSY adj. like a governess.
SEAMSTRESSYseamstressy n. (Archaic) The business of a seamstress.
SEAMSTRESSY n. (Sterne) sewing, needlework.
HEADMISTRESSYheadmistressy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a headmistress.
HEADMISTRESSY adj. like a headmistress, bossy.
SCHOOLMISTRESSYschoolmistressy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a schoolmistress.
SCHOOLMISTRESSY adj. like a schoolmistress, prim.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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