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There are 12 words ending with EIVE

APPERCEIVEapperceive v. (Obsolete) To perceive.
apperceive v. (Psychology) To be aware of perceiving; to understand a perception by linking it mentally with a mass…
APPERCEIVE v. to perceive an inner meaning.
CONCEIVEconceive v. (Transitive) To develop an idea; to form in the mind; to plan; to devise; to originate.
conceive v. (Transitive) To understand (someone).
conceive v. (Intransitive or transitive) To become pregnant (with).
DECEIVEdeceive v. (Transitive) To trick or mislead.
DECEIVE v. to mislead by falsehood.
MISCONCEIVEmisconceive v. To misunderstand.
MISCONCEIVE v. to conceive wrongly.
MISPERCEIVEmisperceive v. To perceive erroneously.
MISPERCEIVE v. to perceive wrongly.
NEIVENEIVE n. (archaic) the fist, also NEAFE, NEAFFE, NEIF, NIEF, NIEVE.
PERCEIVEperceive v. (Transitive) To become aware of, through the physical senses, to see; to understand.
perceive v. To interpret something in a particular way.
PERCEIVE v. to become aware of through the senses.
PRECONCEIVEpreconceive v. To conceive, or form an opinion of, beforehand; to form a previous notion or idea of.
PRECONCEIVE v. to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience.
RECEIVEreceive v. To take, as something that is offered, given, committed, sent, paid, etc.; to accept; to be given something.
receive v. (Law) To take goods knowing them to be stolen.
receive v. To act as a host for guests; to give admittance to; to permit to enter, as into one’s house, presence, company, etc.
RECONCEIVEreconceive v. To conceive something in a new way.
RECONCEIVE v. to conceive again.
REIVEreive v. Archaic spelling of reave.
REIVE v. (archaic) to plunder, rob, also REAVE, RIEVE.
UNDECEIVEundeceive v. (Transitive) to free from misconception, deception or error.
UNDECEIVE v. to free from deception.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 23 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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