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There are 11 words ending with EFER

DEFERdefer v. (Transitive) To delay or postpone.
defer v. (American football) After winning the opening coin toss, to postpone until the start of the second half…
defer v. (Intransitive) To delay, to wait.
REFERrefer v. (Transitive) To direct the attention of (someone toward something).
refer v. (Transitive) To submit to (another person or group) for consideration; to send or direct elsewhere.
refer v. (Transitive) To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to assign to, as a class, a cause…
SEFERSEFER n. (Hebrew) any book of Hebrew religious literature.
LIEFERliefer adj. Comparative form of lief: more lief.
liefer adv. Comparative form of lief: more lief.
liefer adv. Preferentially, rather.
PREFERprefer v. (Transitive) To be in the habit of choosing something rather than something else; to favor; to like better.
prefer v. (Transitive, now dated) To advance, promote (someone or something).
prefer v. (Transitive) To present or submit (something) to an authority (now usually in "to prefer charges").
REEFERreefer n. (Nautical) Someone who reefs sails, especially a midshipman.
reefer n. A reefer jacket; a close-fitting jacket or short coat of thick cloth.
reefer n. (Colloquial, chiefly US) A refrigerated, insulated trailer, ship or shipping container.
BRIEFERbriefer n. One who provides a briefing.
briefer adj. Comparative form of brief: more brief.
BRIEFER n. one who gives instructions.
CHIEFERchiefer adj. (Rare) comparative form of chief: more chief.
CHIEF adj. important.
GRIEFERgriefer n. (Online gaming) One who griefs: a player who plays a game primarily to reduce other players’ enjoyment of it.
GRIEFER n. an online games player who intentionally spoils the game for other players.
MISREFERmisrefer v. To refer incorrectly.
MISREFER v. to refer incorrectly.
DEBRIEFERdebriefer n. One who gives a debriefing.
DEBRIEFER n. one who debriefs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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