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There are 15 words ending with EDOS

ALBEDOSalbedos n. Plural of albedo.
ALBEDO n. (Latin) the measure of the reflecting power of an object.
COMEDOScomedos n. Plural of comedo.
COMEDO n. (Latin) a skin blemish, a blackhead.
CREDOScredos n. Plural of credo.
CREDO n. (Latin) a concise statement of doctrine; a section of Mass followed by offertory.
LIVEDOSLIVEDO n. (Latin) a discoloured patch on the skin.
PAEDOSpaedos n. Plural of paedo.
PAEDO n. (short for) a paedophile.
REDOSredos n. Plural of redo.
ReDoS n. (Regular expressions, computer security) Abbreviation of regular expression denial of service: the use…
REDO v. to do again.
REREDOSreredos n. (Chiefly Western Christianity) A screen or decoration behind the altar in a church, usually depicting…
reredos n. The back of an open fire-hearth, in medieval halls.
REREDOS n. a screen or panelling behind an altar or seat, also REREDOSSE.
SPEEDOSspeedos n. Plural of speedo.
speedos n. (North America, Australia, New Zealand, usually in the plural) A men′s tight fitting brief swimsuit.
Speedos n. (Australia) A tight-fitting brief or bikini style swimsuit.
STAMPEDOSstampedos n. Plural of stampedo.
stampedos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stampedo.
STAMPEDO v. (obsolete) to stampede.
TEREDOSteredos n. Plural of teredo.
TEREDO n. (Latin) a bivalve mollusk.
TOLEDOStoledos n. Plural of toledo.
TOLEDO n. (Spanish) a sword or sword blade made at Toledo in Spain.
TORPEDOStorpedos n. Plural of torpedo.
TORPEDO v. to attack with a torpedo.
TOURNEDOStournedos n. Filet mignon.
TOURNEDOS n. (French) a thick round beef fillet.
TUXEDOStuxedos n. Plural of tuxedo.
TUXEDO n. a man's semiformal dinner coat.
UREDOSuredos n. Plural of uredo.
UREDO n. (Latin) rust in plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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