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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 6 nine-letter words ending with ESIA

AESTHESIAaesthesia n. The ability to perceive sensations.
æsthesia n. Obsolete spelling of aesthesia.
AESTHESIA n. the ability to receive sense impressions, also AESTHESIS, ESTHESIA, ESTHESIS.
ANALGESIAanalgesia n. (Medicine) The inability to feel pain.
analgesia n. (Pharmacology) An analgesic (medication that acts to relieve pain).
ANALGESIA n. the inability to feel pain, also ANALGIA.
DYSTHESIAdysthesia n. (Medicine) Alternative form of dysesthesia (“abnormal sensation caused by lesions of the nervous system”).
dysthesia n. (Medicine, obsolete) A morbid habit of body, resulting in general discomfort and impatience.
DYSTHESIA n. a morbid habit of body, resulting in general discomfort and impatience.
FRAMBESIAframbesia n. Yaws, the disease.
FRAMBESIA n. a tropical skin disease, aka yaws, also FRAMBOESIA.
PARRHESIAparrhesia n. (Rhetoric) boldness or freedom in speech.
Parrhesia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geometridae – certain moths, now a synonym of Astyochia.
PARRHESIA n. freedom or boldness of speech.
RAFFLESIArafflesia n. (Botany) Any of several large parasitic plants, of the genus Rafflesia, from South East Asia, that have…
Rafflesia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rafflesiaceae – the rafflesias, of southeast Asia.
RAFFLESIA n. any of various stemless leafless parasitic plants, native to Java and Sumatra.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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