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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 10 nine-letter words ending with ERIA

ACROTERIAacroteria n. Plural of acroterium.
ACROTERIUM n. a pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment, also ACROTER, ACROTERION.
ALFILERIAalfileria n. Alternative form of alfilaria.
ALFILERIA n. (Spanish) a Californian weed, aka pin grass, also ALFILARIA.
CAFETERIAcafeteria n. (Chiefly US, Canada) A restaurant in which customers select their food at a counter then carry it on…
cafeteria n. (Chiefly US, Canada) A dining area in an institution where meals may be purchased (as above), provided…
caféteria n. Alternative spelling of cafeteria.
ECHEVERIAecheveria n. Any member of the large genus Echeveria of succulents, many species of which are popular as garden plants.
Echeveria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Crassulaceae – certain succulents.
ECHEVERIA n. a kind of succulent plant.
FRANSERIAfranseria n. Any plant of the genus Franseria (now Ambrosia, ragweeds).
FRANSERIA n. any of a genus of West American plants of the composite family.
LATIMERIALatimeria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Latimeriidae – certain fishes.
LATIMERIA n. any fish of the coelacanth family.
OSMETERIAosmeteria n. Plural of osmeterium.
OSMETERIUM n. a forked process behind the head of certain caterpillars, giving out a foul smell.
PSALTERIApsalteria n. Plural of psalterium.
PSALTERIUM n. (Latin) the third stomach of ruminants.
PUERPERIApuerperia n. Plural of puerperium.
PUERPERIUM n. (Latin) the condition immediately following childbirth.
RANCHERIArancheria n. A small settlement in the Americas, especially of Native Americans.
rancheria n. (Philippines, historical) A political division of the native tribes.
RANCHERIA n. (Spanish) in Spanish America and the western US, a collection of Indian huts; a place or house where a number of rancheros live.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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