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There are 18 nine-letter words ending with EMIA

ANOXAEMIAanoxaemia n. (Medicine) Critical lack of oxygen in blood; severe hypoxaemia.
anoxæmia n. Archaic spelling of anoxaemia.
ANOXAEMIA n. a disorder of the blood, also ANOXEMIA.
AZOTAEMIAazotaemia n. Alternative spelling of azotemia.
azotæmia n. Alternative spelling of azotaemia.
AZOTAEMIA n. a less common name for uraemia, the retention of waste materials normally excreted, also AZOTEMIA.
CACHAEMIAcachaemia n. (Medicine, obsolete) A degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood.
CACHAEMIA n. (archaic) a degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood.
CHOLAEMIAcholaemia n. (Medicine) A condition caused by the presence of excess bile in the blood, sometimes leading to somnolence and coma.
CHOLAEMIA n. an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood, also CHOLEMIA.
COPRAEMIAcopraemia n. Alternative form of copræmia.
copræmia n. (Medicine) Condition caused by retention of faecal matter and absorption of their material into blood.
COPRAEMIA n. blood poisoning resulting from chronic constipation, also COPREMIA.
GLYCAEMIAglycaemia n. (British spelling) alternative form of glycemia.
GLYCAEMIA n. an excessive level of glucose in the blood, also GLYCEMIA.
HYDRAEMIAhydraemia n. Thinness of the blood.
hydræmia n. Alternative spelling of hydraemia.
HYDRAEMIA n. an abnormally watery state of the blood, also HYDREMIA.
HYPEREMIAhyperemia n. (Pathology) excess of blood in a body part.
HYPEREMIA n. an excess or congestion of blood in an organ or part of the body, also HYPERAEMIA.
HYPOXEMIAhypoxemia n. (Medicine) An abnormal deficiency in the concentration of oxygen in the blood, be it the partial pressure…
HYPOXEMIA n. deficiency of oxygenation of the blood, also HYPOXAEMIA, HYPOXIA.
ISCHAEMIAischaemia n. (Cardiology, pathology) Alternative spelling of ischemia.
ischæmia n. (Cardiology, pathology) Obsolete spelling of ischemia.
ISCHAEMIA n. an inadequate flow of blood to part of the body, also ISCHEMIA.
KETONEMIAketonemia n. An excess of ketones in the blood, sometimes associated with lipolysis.
KETONEMIA n. an excess of ketone bodies in the blood, also KETONAEMIA.
LEUCAEMIAleucaemia n. Alternative spelling of leukemia.
leucæmia n. (Archaic) Alternative spelling of leukemia.
LEUKAEMIAleukaemia n. (UK) Alternative spelling of leukemia.
leukæmia n. (Archaic) Alternative spelling of leukemia.
OLIGAEMIAoligaemia n. (Medicine) The condition of having a low quantity of blood.
oligæmia n. Obsolete form of oligaemia.
OLIGAEMIA n. abnormal deficiency of blood, also OLIGEMIA.
SAPRAEMIAsapraemia n. Blood poisoning caused by the ingestion/absorption of toxins of putrefactive bacteria.
sapræmia n. Alternative form of sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIA n. a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIA.
SICKLEMIAsicklemia n. (Pathology) sickle-cell anemia.
SICKLEMIA n. a severe hereditary anaemia.
SPANAEMIAspanaemia n. (Medicine, archaic) A condition of impoverishment of the blood; a morbid state in which the red corpuscles…
SPANAEMIA n. a deficiency of red corpuscles in the blood.
TULAREMIAtularemia n. (Pathology) An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis.
TULAREMIA n. a disease of rodents caused by a bacterium, and transmissible to humans, also TULARAEMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 16 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 13 words

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