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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 10 eight-letter words ending with ETAL

DECRETALdecretal adj. Pertaining to a decree.
decretal n. (Roman Catholicism) A papal decree, particularly one derived from an ecclesiastical letter.
decretal n. (Now rare) Any decree or pronounced instruction.
EXCRETALexcretal adj. Relating to excretion or to excrement.
EXCRETAL adj. relating to excreta.
GUNMETALgunmetal n. (Historical) A type of bronze used for making cannons.
gunmetal n. An alloy of 88% copper, 10% tin and 2% zinc, originally used for making guns.
gunmetal n. (Also attributive) A dark grey or bluish-grey colour; gunmetal grey.
NONMETALnonmetal n. (Chemistry) An element, such as phosphorus or chlorine, that does not have the chemical or physical…
non-metal n. Alternative form of nonmetal.
NONMETAL n. an element that lacks metallic properties.
PARIETALparietal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the wall of a body part, organ or cavity.
parietal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the parietal bones.
parietal adj. Of or relating to college living and, especially, its regulation.
PELLETALpelletal adj. In the form of pellets.
PELLETAL adj. resembling a pellet.
PROMETALPROMETAL n. a kind of cast-iron highly resistant to heat.
SKELETALskeletal adj. Of, or relating to the skeleton.
skeletal adj. Haggard, cadaverous, emaciated or gaunt.
skeletal adj. Barebones, lacking elaboration.
SOCIETALsocietal adj. Of or pertaining to society or social groups, or to their activities, customs, etc.
SOCIETAL adj. relating to society.
VARIETALvarietal adj. (Biology) Pertaining to a distinct variety of organism.
varietal adj. Made from a single specific variety (especially of grapes in wine).
varietal adj. (Linguistics) Of or relating to a variety of a language.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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