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There are 16 seven-letter words ending with ELLE

CADELLEcadelle n. Tenebroides mauritanicus, a beetle that is a common pest in storehouses and granaries.
CADELLE n. (French) a small black beetle.
ECHELLEechelle n. (Physics) An echelle grating.
ECHELLE n. (French) an arrangement of ribbons in the form of a ladder, decorating the front of the stomacher of a dress, etc.
ECUELLEécuelle n. A two-handled bowl for soup or porridge.
écuelle v. (Transitive) To rub the surface of (fruit) in a bowl to extract essential oil.
ECUELLE n. (French) a two-handled soup bowl.
GABELLEgabelle n. A tax; especially, the tax on salt levied in pre-Revolutionary France.
GABELLE n. (French) a tax on salt.
GAZELLEgazelle n. An antelope of either of the genera Gazella (mostly native to Africa) or Procapra (native to Asia)…
Gazelle prop.n. A census-designated place in Siskiyou County, California, United States.
GAZELLE n. one of several small, swift, elegantly formed species of antelope.
JAVELLEJAVELLE adj. as in javelle water, an aqueous solution containing sodium hypochlorite and some sodium chloride, used as a bleach and disinfectant.
JUMELLEjumelle adj. Twin; paired; said of various objects made or formed in pairs, such as a binocular opera glass, a pair…
jumelle n. An object made or formed as a pair, such as a binocular opera glass.
JUMELLE n. (French) a paired or twinned article; opera-glasses.
MICELLEmicelle n. (Chemistry) a colloidal aggregate, in a simple geometric form, of a specific number of amphipathic molecules…
MICELLE n. a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids, also MICELL, MICELLA.
MORELLEmorelle n. Nightshade.
MORELLE n. a flowering plant, aka nightshade.
MOSELLEMoselle prop.n. A river flowing from France into the Rhine at Koblenz (western Germany).
Moselle prop.n. One of the départements in Grand Est, France.
Moselle n. A light white wine, made from Riesling grapes originating in the valley of this river.
NACELLEnacelle n. A separate streamlined enclosure mounted on an aircraft to house an engine, cargo, or crew.
nacelle n. The part between the tower and rotor of a wind turbine.
nacelle n. The compartment that holds passengers on a hot-air balloon, a dirigible, or an aerostat; a gondola.
NOVELLEnovelle n. Plural of novella but only in the sense of a compact story.
NOVELLA n. (Italian) a short novel.
PARELLEparelle n. A crustaceous lichen yielding orchil, cudbear, and litmus.
PARELLE n. a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLA.
PUCELLEpucelle n. (Archaic) A girl, a maiden; a virgin (often with reference to Joan of Arc).
pucelle n. (Obsolete) A prostitute, a slut.
PUCELLE n. (obsolete) a slut; a maid or virgin, also PUSSEL, PUZEL, PUZZEL.
ROSELLEroselle n. Hibiscus sabdariffa, an edible flower in the hibiscus family used to make hibiscus tea.
Roselle prop.n. A surname.
Roselle prop.n. A female given name.
ROZELLErozelle n. Alternative form of roselle (“edible hibiscus”).
Rozelle prop.n. A surname.
Rozelle prop.n. A female given name.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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