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There are 19 seven-letter words ending with ELLA

CANELLAcanella n. The aromatic inner bark of Canella winterana, used as a spice with properties similar to cinnamon.
Canella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Canellaceae – the single species Canella winterana (cinnamon bark).
CANELLA n. a genus of trees of the order Canellaceae, growing in the West Indies.
CORELLAcorella n. Any of several species of white cockatoo of the subgenus Licmetis within genus Cacatua.
Corella prop.n. A surname.
CORELLA n. (Native Australian) an Australian long-billed cockatoo.
FAVELLAfavella n. Alternative form of favela.
FAVELLA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELA.
LABELLAlabella n. Plural of labellum.
Labella prop.n. A surname.
LABELLUM n. (Latin) the lower petal of an orchid.
LAMELLAlamella n. A thin, plate-like structure.
lamella n. (Mycology) The gill of a mushroom.
LAMELLA n. (Latin) a thin plate or layer, also LAMINA.
MICELLAmicella n. (Obsolete, biology) A supposed submicroscopic particle that formed part of a biological organism.
micella n. Alternative form of micelle.
MICELLA n. (Latin) a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids, also MICELL, MICELLE.
MYCELLAMYCELLA n. a blue-veined Danish cream cheese.
NIGELLAnigella n. Any plant of the genus Nigella of about twelve species of annual flowering plants, the blooms of which…
nigella n. The seeds of the plant Nigella sativa, used as a culinary spice.
Nigella prop.n. (Rare) A female given name from English.
NOVELLAnovella n. A short novel or long short story.
novella n. (Historical) Synonym of novel (“new legal constitution in Ancient Rome”).
Novella prop.n. A surname.
PADELLApadella n. Alternative form of padelle.
PADELLA n. (Italian) a candle made from a shallow dish of fat.
PARELLAPARELLA n. (French) a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLE.
PATELLApatella n. (Anatomy) The sesamoid bone of the knee; the kneecap.
patella n. A little dish or vase.
Patella prop.n. A surname from Italian.
ROSELLArosella n. A parrot belonging to any of the five to eight species in the genus Platycercus (originally specifically…
rosella n. Alternative form of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa).
ROSELLA n. an Australian parakeet.
RUBELLArubella n. (Pathology) A mild disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract, and characterised…
RUBELLA n. (Latin) a virus disease, German measles.
SABELLAsabella n. A seaworm of the genus Sabella, around 25 cm long, which lives in tubes that it builds itself.
Sabella prop.n. A female given name, diminutive of Isabella.
Sabella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sabellidae – various seaworms.
SACELLAsacella n. Plural of sacellum.
SACELLUM n. (Latin) an unroofed space consecrated to a divinity.
SITELLASITELLA n. a small black-and-white bird, also SITTELLA.
TRIELLATRIELLA n. (Australian) a bet nominating the winners of three specified horse races.
ZANELLAzanella n. An Italian wool or twill fabric.
Zanella prop.n. A surname from Italian.
ZANELLA n. a mixed twilled umbrella fabric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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