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There are 16 words ending with EIA

BUDDLEIAbuddleia n. A tree or shrub of the genus Buddleja, especially Buddleja davidii, a large ornamental shrub whose lilac…
Buddleia prop.n. Alternative form of Buddleja.
BUDDLEIA n. a flowering shrub, aka butterfly bush.
CODEIAcodeia n. (Medicine) Synonym of codeine.
CODEIA n. a narcotic alkaloid, also CODEIN, CODEINA, CODEINE.
DOULEIAdouleia n. In Roman Catholicism, the inferior veneration accorded to saints and angels.
DOULEIA n. (Greek) in Roman Catholicism, the inferior veneration accorded to saints and angels, also DULIA.
EPOPOEIAepopoeia n. Alternative form of epopee.
epopœia n. Obsolete form of epopee.
EPOPOEIA n. (Greek) an epic poem, also EPOPEE, EPOS.
GORGONEIAgorgoneia n. Plural of gorgoneion.
GORGONEION n. (Greek) a mask carved in imitation of a Gorgon's head.
MYTHOPOEIAmythopoeia n. Creation of any myth.
mythopœia n. Obsolete spelling of mythopoeia.
MYTHOPOEIA n. the making of myths.
ONOMATOPOEIAonomatopoeia n. (Uncountable) The property of a word of sounding like what it represents.
onomatopoeia n. (Countable) A word that sounds like what it represents, such as "gurgle," "stutter," or "hiss".
onomatopoeia n. (Uncountable, rhetoric) The use of language whose sound imitates that which it names.
PEREIApereia n. Plural of pereion.
PEREION n. (Greek) a crustacean's thorax, also PERAEON, PEREON.
PERIPETEIAperipeteia n. (Drama) A sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point in Classical tragedy.
peripeteia n. (By extension) Any sudden change in circumstances; a crisis.
peripeteia n. (Psychoanalysis) A turning point in psychosocial development.
PHARMACOPEIApharmacopeia n. Alternative form of pharmacopoeia.
PHARMACOPEIA n. a book describing drugs and medicinal preparations; a stock of drugs, also PHARMACOPOEIA.
PHARMACOPOEIApharmacopoeia n. (Pharmacology) An official book describing medicines or other pharmacological substances, especially…
pharmacopoeia n. (Pharmacology) A collection of drugs.
pharmacopœia n. Obsolete typography of pharmacopoeia.
PROSOPOPEIAprosopopeia n. Alternative form of prosopopoeia.
PROSOPOPEIA n. a figure of speech in which an imaginary or absent person is represented as speaking or acting, also PROSOPOPOEIA.
PROSOPOPOEIAprosopopoeia n. (Rhetoric) An act of personifying a person or object when communicating to an audience; a figure of…
prosopopoeia n. Personification of an abstraction.
prosopopœia n. Obsolete typography of prosopopoeia.
RHYTHMOPOEIArhythmopoeia n. The art of composing rhythmically.
rhythmopœia n. Obsolete typography of rhythmopoeia.
RHYTHMOPOEIA n. the art of composing rhythmically.
SEMEIAsemeia n. Plural of semeion.
SEMEION n. (Greek) in ancient prosody, one of the two divisions of a foot.
SYNAPHEIAsynapheia n. (Prosody) Alternative form of synaphea.
SYNAPHEIA n. metrical continuity between two verses in a system, also SYNAPHEA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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