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There are 16 words ending with EDO

REDOredo v. To do again.
redo n. A repeated action; a doing again, refurbishment, etc.
REDO n. a repeated action.
CREDOcredo n. A statement of a belief or a summary statement of a whole belief system; also (metonymically) the belief…
credo n. (Christianity) The liturgical creed (usually the Nicene Creed), or a musical arrangement of it for use…
CREDO n. (Latin) a concise statement of doctrine; a section of Mass followed by offertory.
PAEDOpaedo n. (Britain slang, countable) A paedophile.
paedo n. (Britain slang, uncountable) paedophilia.
paedo adj. (Britain slang) Paedophile, paedophiliac.
UREDOuredo n. (Botany, countable) A summer stage in the life history of certain rusts (Uredinales), regarded at one…
uredo n. (Medicine, uncountable) urticaria; nettle-rash.
Uredo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the order Uredinales.
ALBEDOalbedo n. (Physics, meteorology, astronomy, optics) The fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a…
albedo n. (Botany) The whitish inner portion of the rind of citrus fruits that is a source of pectin, commonly…
albedo n. (Alchemy) One of the four major stages of the magnum opus, involving purification of the prima materia.
COMEDOcomedo n. (Medicine) A blackhead or whitehead.
COMEDO n. (Latin) a skin blemish, a blackhead.
FOREDOforedo v. Alternative spelling of fordo.
FOREDO v. to destroy, also FORDO.
LIVEDOlivedo n. (Pathology) A form of skin discoloration.
LIVEDO n. (Latin) a discoloured patch on the skin.
SPEEDOspeedo n. (Informal) A speedometer, particularly one in a race car or other automobile.
speedo n. Alternative letter-case form of Speedo.
Speedo n. (US) A tight-fitting swimsuit, especially commonly worn by competitive swimmers and divers. Usually…
TEREDOteredo n. (Zoology) A mollusc of the genus Teredo, especially the shipworm, Teredo navalis.
Teredo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Teredinidae – shipworms.
TEREDO n. (Latin) a bivalve mollusk.
TOLEDOtoledo n. A sword or sword blade made at Toledo in Spain, a city famous in the 16th and 17th centuries for the…
Toledo prop.n. A city in Castile-La Mancha, Spain.
Toledo prop.n. A province of Castile-La Mancha, Spain.
TUXEDOtuxedo n. A typically black formal jacket worn by men.
tuxedo n. The entire suit complementing and including this jacket.
tuxedo n. Ellipsis of tuxedo cat.
ALFREDOalfredo n. (Cooking) Alternative spelling of Alfredo.
Alfredo n. (Cooking, noun adjunct) The sauce made from butter and Parmesan cheese used in dishes such as fettuccine…
ALFREDO adj. cooked with a cheese and egg sauce.
CONCEDOCONCEDO v. (Latin) in logic, I admit, I yield.
TORPEDOtorpedo n. (Zoology) An electric ray of the genus Torpedo.
torpedo n. (Military) A cylindrical explosive projectile that can travel underwater and is used as a weapon.
torpedo n. (Regional) A submarine sandwich.
STAMPEDOstampedo n. A stampede.
stampedo v. To stampede.
STAMPEDO v. (obsolete) to stampede.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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