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There are 8 nine-letter words ending with EME

BLASPHEMEblaspheme v. (Intransitive) To commit blasphemy; to speak against God or religious doctrine.
blaspheme v. (Transitive) To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence; to revile impiously (anything sacred).
blaspheme v. (Transitive) To calumniate; to revile; to abuse.
ENTHYMEMEenthymeme n. A by and large statement, a maxim, an argument that is intended to be generally true and not apply to…
enthymeme n. (Logic) A syllogism with a required but unstated assumption.
ENTHYMEME n. an argument of probability only.
MONOTREMEmonotreme n. (Zoology) A mammal that lays eggs and has a single urogenital and digestive orifice. Only the echidnas…
monotreme adj. (Palynology, of a pollen grain) Having a single trema, or aperture.
MONOTREME n. a primitive Australian egg-laying mammal, e.g. a duck-billed platypus.
OUTSCHEMEoutscheme v. (Transitive) To surpass in scheming.
OUTSCHEME v. to surpass in scheming.
SEMANTEMEsemanteme n. (Linguistics) an indivisible unit of meaning.
SEMANTEME n. an irreducible linguistic unit of meaning.
TELEPHEMEtelepheme n. (Obsolete) A message transmitted by telephone.
TELEPHEME n. a message by a telephone.
TREPONEMEtreponeme n. Any of the bacterium of the genus Treponema.
TREPONEME n. a kind of bacterium, a spirochaete, that causes syphilis, also TREPONEMA.
UNEXTREMEunextreme adj. Not extreme.
UNEXTREME adj. not extreme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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