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There are 18 eight-letter words ending with EON

ARCHAEONarchaeon n. Prokaryotic organism; member of the domain Archaea.
ARCHAEON n. a single celled organism like bacterium.
BLUDGEONbludgeon n. A short, heavy club, often of wood, which is thicker or loaded at one end.
bludgeon v. (Transitive) To strike or hit with something hard, usually on the head; to club.
bludgeon v. (Transitive) To coerce someone, as if with a bludgeon.
BOURGEONbourgeon v. Obsolete form of burgeon.
bourgeon n. Obsolete form of burgeon.
BOURGEON v. (obsolete) to sprout; to put forth bud, also BURGEON.
CAMELEONcameleon n. Obsolete form of chameleon.
CAMELEON n. a small African lizard with a prehensile tail and tongue, also CHAMAELEON, CHAMELEON.
HURCHEONhurcheon n. (Obsolete, dialectal) A hedgehog.
HURCHEON n. (Scots) an urchin, a hedgehog.
LUNCHEONluncheon n. A formal meal served in the middle of the day.
luncheon n. (Dated) Any midday meal; lunch.
luncheon n. (Obsolete) A lump of food.
MELODEONmelodeon n. (Historical, music) A type of reed organ with a single keyboard.
melodeon n. (Music) An accordion where the melody-side keyboard is limited to the notes of diatonic scales in a…
melodeon n. (Historical, US) A music hall.
MEZEREONmezereon n. An ornamental shrub, Daphne mezereum, having purple flowers and bright red fruit.
mezereon n. The dried bark of this plant, once used as a vesicant.
MEZEREON n. (Arabic) an early-flowering woodland shrub with fragrant purplish or rose-coloured flowers, also MEZEREUM.
NAPOLEONnapoleon n. (Historical numismatics, slang) The franc germinal: a 20-franc gold coin issued under Napoleon.
napoleon n. (Historical numismatics, slang) Other subsequent 20-franc coins, notes, or values.
napoleon n. (Usually admiringly derogatory) A person resembling Napoleon Bonaparte, (usually) in having come to…
NUNCHEONnuncheon n. (Now dialectal, archaic) A drink or light snack taken in the afternoon; a refreshment between meals.
NUNCHEON n. a light meal.
PANCHEONpancheon n. (Now UK regional) A shallow dish used to stand milk while the cream separates, or in which to bake bread.
PANCHEON n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHION, PUNCHEON.
PANTHEONpantheon n. A temple dedicated to all the gods.
pantheon n. (Mythology) All the gods of a particular people or religion, particularly the ancient Greek gods residing…
pantheon n. (By extension) A category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group.
PUNCHEONpuncheon n. A figured stamp, die, or punch, used by goldsmiths, cutlers, etc.
puncheon n. A short, upright piece of timber in framing; a short post; an intermediate stud.
puncheon n. A piece of roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat (by either hewing#Noun or sawing#Noun).
PUTCHEONputcheon n. A wire trap for catching salmon.
PUTCHEON n. a wire trap for catching salmon, also PUTCHER.
SIMOLEONsimoleon n. (US, slang) A dollar.
Simoleon n. Alternative form of simoleon.
SIMOLEON n. (US slang) a dollar.
SMIDGEONsmidgeon n. Alternative form of smidgen.
SMIDGEON n. a very small amount, also SMIDGEN, SMIDGE, SMIDGIN.
STURGEONsturgeon n. Any marine or freshwater fish of the family Acipenseridae that are prized for their roe and are endemic…
Sturgeon prop.n. A surname.
STURGEON n. a large fish of northern temperate waters.
TRUDGEONtrudgeon n. Alternative form of trudgen.
trudgeon n. Alternative form of truncheon.
trudgeon n. (Obsolete) A toddler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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