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There are 17 seven-letter words ending with ERO

ARRIEROarriero n. (South America) A person who transports goods using pack animals.
ARRIERO n. (Spanish) a muleteer.
BATTEROBATTERO n. (Shakespeare) a cudgel.
BRACERObracero n. (Historical) A Mexican national working as an agricultural laborer in the United States from 1942-1964…
Bracero prop.n. A surname.
BRACERO n. (Spanish) a Mexican labourer.
BRASERObrasero n. (Archaic) brazier.
BRASERO n. (Spanish) a brazier; a place where criminals and heretics are burned.
BUDGERObudgero n. Obsolete form of budgerow.
BUDGERO n. (Hindi) a heavy keelless barge, also BUDGEROW.
LLANEROllanero n. A plainsman; a South American cattle-herder or cowboy, especially in Venezuela and Colombia.
LLANERO n. (Spanish) an inhabitant of the llanos of South America.
MONTEROmontero n. A round Spanish cap, with flaps at the back or sides, once used by hunters.
Montero prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
MONTERO n. (Spanish) a huntsman's cap with side flaps.
NONHEROnonhero n. A character, especially a protagonist, who is not a hero.
NONHERO n. one who is not a hero.
NONZEROnonzero adj. (Mathematics, of a quantity) Not equal to zero.
nonzero adj. (Informal) Of an unspecified positive quantity.
nonzero n. A quantity which is not zero.
PAMPEROpampero n. A violent wind from the west or southwest, which sweeps over the pampas of South America and the adjacent…
Pampero n. A member of a Native American tribe inhabiting the pampas of South America.
PAMPERO n. (Spanish) a violent SW wind on and from the pampas.
PEDREROpedrero n. (Historical) A cannon that fires stone cannonballs.
PEDRERO n. (Spanish) a type of old gun, also PADERERO, PATERERO, PEDERERO.
PIFFEROpiffero n. (Music) A form of oboe.
piffero n. (Music) A particular organ stop.
PIFFERO n. (Italian) a fife; an Italian bagpipe.
PRIMEROprimero n. An old card game resembling poker.
Primero prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
PRIMERO n. (Spanish) an old card game.
SANTEROsantero n. A man who crafts santos (religious statues).
SANTERO n. (Spanish) a priest of santeria, a Caribbean religion.
SUBZEROsubzero adj. Less than zero, most commonly used to refer to temperature.
sub-zero adj. (Of a temperature) below 0°C; freezing cold.
SUBZERO adj. registering less than zero.
VAQUEROvaquero n. (Southwestern US) A cowboy; a herdsman.
Vaquero prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
VAQUERO n. (Spanish) one who has charge of cattle, horses, etc.
ZANJEROzanjero n. An official in charge of water supplies in Latin America.
ZANJERO n. (Spanish) someone who supervises the distribution of water in irrigation canals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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