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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 14 seven-letter words ending with EIN

CAFFEINcaffein n. Alternative spelling of caffeine.
CAFFEIN n. a bitter alkaloid used as a stimulant, also CAFFEINE.
CROCEINcrocein n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several synthetic yellow or scarlet dyestuffs that are diazo and sulphonic…
CROCEIN n. a red or orange azo dye, also CROCEINE.
CYSTEINcystein n. Alternative form of cysteine.
CYSTEIN n. an amino acid that oxidizes to cystine, also CYSTEINE.
EISWEINeiswein n. Ice wine.
EISWEIN n. (German) a sweet German wine made from grapes that have frozen on the vine, also ICEWINE.
GALLEINgallein n. (Organic chemistry) A red crystalline dyestuff obtained by heating pyrogallic acid and phthalic acid together.
GALLEIN n. a red crystalline dyestuff, obtained by heating together pyrogallic and phthalic acids.
HORDEINhordein n. (Organic chemistry) A glycoprotein found in barley and some other cereals.
HORDEIN n. a protein found in barley grain.
MULLEINmullein n. Any of a few hundred species of European and Asian plants, of the genus Verbascum, especially that majority…
MULLEIN n. a tall, stiff, yellow-flowered woolly plant of the Verbascum genus, also MULLEN.
NARCEINnarcein n. Dated form of narceine.
NARCEIN n. a narcotic component of opium, also NARCEINE, NARCEEN.
NUCLEINnuclein n. (Biochemistry) A phosphorus-rich protein found in the nucleus of a cell, later specifically nucleohistone…
NUCLEIN n. a protein found in cell nuclei.
PROTEINprotein n. (Biochemistry, countable) Any of numerous large, complex naturally-produced molecules composed of one…
protein n. (Nutrition, uncountable) One of three major classes of food or source of food energy (4 kcal/gram) abundant…
protein n. (Nutrition, countable) A food rich in protein, often a meat or meat substitute.
THEREINtherein adv. (Takes a reflexive pronoun) in that; in that place; in him/her/it.
THEREIN adv. in that place.
VILLEINvillein n. (Historical) A feudal tenant, a serf.
VILLEIN n. (historical) a free villager; a serf.
WHEREINwherein adv. How, or in what way.
wherein conj. Where, or in which location.
wherein conj. During which.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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