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There are 18 five-letter words ending with EST

BLESTblest v. Archaic spelling of blessed.
blest adj. Archaic spelling of blessed.
BLESS v. to sanctify.
CHESTchest n. A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.
chest n. (Obsolete) A coffin.
chest n. The place in which public money is kept; a treasury.
CRESTcrest n. The summit of a hill or mountain ridge.
crest n. A tuft, or other natural ornament, growing on an animal’s head, for example the comb of a cockerel…
crest n. The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on or displayed on a helmet; the distinctive ornament of a helmet.
DOESTdoest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of do.
does't cont. (Obsolete) Contraction of does it.
DO v. to perform.
DRESTdrest v. Obsolete form of dressed; simple past tense and past participle of dress.
DRESS v. to put clothes on.
EGESTegest v. To eliminate undigested food or waste from the body (as feces).
EGEST v. to discharge from the body.
EWESTEWEST adj. (Scots) near, close at hand.
FIESTFIE adj. whimsical, fey.
GEESTgeest n. A type of slightly raised landscape, with sandy and gravelly soils, that occurs in the plains of Northern…
GEEST n. alluvial matter on the surface of land, not of recent origin.
GHESTGHESSE v. (Spenser) to guess, also GESSE.
GOESTgoest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of go.
GOEST v. (archaic) 2nd person singular present tense of GO.
GUESTguest n. A recipient of hospitality, especially someone staying by invitation at the house of another.
guest n. A patron or customer in a hotel etc.
guest n. An invited visitor or performer to an institution or to a broadcast.
PRESTprest v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of press.
prest n. (Rare) A payment of wages in advance.
prest n. A loan or advance (of money).
QUESTquest n. A journey or effort in pursuit of a goal (often lengthy, ambitious, or fervent); a mission.
quest n. The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit.
quest n. (Obsolete) Request; desire; solicitation.
REESTreest v. (Scotland, England) Alternative form of rest (“to cure, smoke, or dry (meat or fish); (of a horse) to…
re-est. v. Abbreviation of re-established.
REEST v. esp of horses, to be noisily uncooperative, also REAST.
TRESTTREST n. (dialect) a trestle, also TRESSEL.
WEESTweest adj. Superlative form of wee: most wee.
WEE adj. small.
WRESTwrest v. (Transitive) To pull or twist violently.
wrest v. (Transitive) To obtain by pulling or violent force.
wrest v. (Transitive, figuratively) To seize.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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