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There are 13 words ending with EU

ADIEUadieu interj. Said to wish a final farewell; goodbye.
adieu n. A farewell, a goodbye; especially a fond farewell, or a lasting or permanent farewell.
ADIEU n. (French) a farewell.
CAMAIEUcamaieu n. (Art) A style of painting in a small range of monochrome colours.
camaieu n. (Art) A style of printing pictures producing the effect of a pencil drawing.
camaieu n. (Art) A cameo (relief carving).
EMEUemeu n. Obsolete spelling of emu.
EMEU n. aa large flightless bird, also EMU.
FEUfeu n. (Scotland, property law, historical) Land held in feudal tenure.
feu v. (Scotland, law, transitive) To bring (land) under the system of feudal tenure.
FEU v. (Scots) to grant land to under Scottish feudal law.
JEUJEU n. (French) a game.
LEUleu n. The unit of currency of Romania, equal to one hundred bani.
leu n. The unit of currency of Moldova, equal to one hundred bani.
Leu n. (Biochemistry) IUPAC 3-letter abbreviation of leucine.
LIEUlieu n. A place or stead.
Lieu prop.n. A surname.
LIEU n. (French) a place or stead, esp. in the phrase in lieu of.
MEUmeu n. Meum athamanticum, a European herb.
meu n. (Historical) The second minister of the Kingdom of Dahomey.
Meu n. Alternative letter-case form of meu (“second minister of Kingdom of Dahomey”).
MILIEUmilieu n. An environment or setting; a medium.
milieu n. (Specifically) A social environment or setting.
milieu n. A group of people with a common point of view; a social class or group.
PAREUpareu n. Alternative form of pareo (“type of garment”).
PAREU n. (Tahitian) a Polynesian wraparound skirt, also PAREO.
PRIEDIEUpriedieu n. A kneeling desk for prayers.
prie-dieu n. A piece of furniture on which someone can pray, consisting of a cushioned area to kneel on, with a built-in…
PRIEDIEU n. (French) a low desk with a book-space above and a foot-piece for kneeling in prayer.
PURLIEUpurlieu n. (Historical) The ground on the edges of a forest, especially when partly subject to the same forest…
purlieu n. The outskirts of any place; an adjacent district; the environs or neighborhood.
PURLIEU n. (French) a neighbourhood; a suburb.
SUBFEUsubfeu n. (Scotland law, historical) A feu sublet by a vassal to a subvassal: a right to hold subinfeudated land…
subfeu v. (Transitive and intransitive, Scotland law, historical) To subinfeud: to grant land via a subfeu.
SUBFEU v. to grant land to under Scottish feudal law.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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