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List of 11-letter words ending with

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There are 11 eleven-letter words ending with EL

BACKCHANNELbackchannel v. To employ a back channel.
backchannel v. (Linguistics) To employ non-verbal (oral and visual) means to influence a speaker without interruption.
backchannel n. Alternative form of back channel.
CLOPIDOGRELclopidogrel n. (Pharmacology) An oral antiplatelet agent used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery disease, peripheral…
CUPRONICKELcupronickel n. An alloy of copper containing from 10 to 40% nickel.
CUPRONICKEL n. an alloy of copper and nickel.
FERRONICKELferronickel n. A ferroalloy of iron and nickel.
FERRONICKEL n. an alloy of iron and nickel.
KINDERSPIELKINDERSPIEL n. (German) a children's cantata or play.
KRIEGSSPIELkriegsspiel n. Alternative form of kriegspiel.
KRIEGSSPIEL n. (German) a war game played on a map to train officers; a form of chess in which the players use separate boards and are allowed only limited communication through an umpire, also KRIEGSPIEL.
MULTIBARRELmultibarrel adj. Having more than one barrel.
MULTIBARREL n. a gun with many barrels.
NONPARALLELnonparallel adj. Not parallel.
NONPARALLEL adj. not parallel.
RHYNCHOCOELrhynchocoel n. A nemertean worm of the former phylum Rhynchocoela.
rhynchocoel n. A tubular cavity, in such worms and other organisms, enclosing a proboscis.
RHYNCHOCOEL n. the cavity in which the proboscis of a nemertine lies.
SPOKESMODELspokesmodel n. (Sometimes derogatory) A spokesperson hired based on appearance or celebrity rather than credibility.
SUBPARALLELsubparallel adj. Almost parallel, but diverging or converging slightly.
SUBPARALLEL adj. almost parallel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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